Hey, “Zoo” fans. Mitch will be quite busy trying to save Clementine in this new Episode 6 of the current season 3. Also, some backstory will get featured that reveals the origins of the hybrids. These spoiler teasers are from CBS via Spoiler TV.

Oz is Oz

There’s a lot of Oz in the title for this one as they’ve named it, “ Oz Is Oz.” They started off their plot summary description by revealing that Jackson and Abigail will get a visit from their father Robert Oz who’s played by actor Ken Olin. Will they be happy to see their dad? Why is he returning?

Those are a couple of questions for this particular plotline. It could turn out to be quite interesting.

Viable plan

Next, they revealed that a much more intense-sounding scenario is going to take place with Mitch. Apparently, he’s going to be extremely busy trying to put together a viable plan to rescue Clementine from her current captors.

Will Mitch be able to pull off this very dangerous mission? Or will he fall short? Those are a couple of burning questions for this particular situation. It definitely sounds like it will deliver a lot of action-filled and intense scenes for us to watch when the attempt finally does play out. We don’t know if it will actually get executed in this episode. We certainly hope that it does though.

Flashback scene

This third and last scoop reveals that we’re going to see a flashback scene that features Abigail’s past. Her past will also reveal the origins of the hybrids. What will their origins reveal? That’s the big question for this storyline. It does sound like it could give us some very intriguing scenes. They didn’t reveal any other details about it.

So, we’re definitely going to have to wait for this episode to air to find out what will happen with that whole situation. This episode was written by Matt Pitts. They hired Michael Katleman to direct it.

Spoiler TV also provided some promotional photos for episode 6 which gives a little bit more insight into what might take place.

As suspected, Jackson is seen in quite a few scenes. One of them features him with Abraham standing over a woman’s body. So, we’ll also be seeing Abraham in a few of the scenes.

Jamie and Logan in a scene

There’s a photo that features Mitch in a very intense-looking situation. Jamie and Logan are shown in a scene together. Some of the pictures show Clementine and Jackson together. So it looks like he does successfully rescue her at some point. There’s a close-up snapshot of Abigail looking pretty serious. So expect a serious moment from her.

It’s also confirmed that episode 6 is currently scheduled to hit the airwaves next Thursday night, August 3,2017 at 9pm central time on CBS. Stay tuned.