Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band is a Grammy and Emmy-winning group of musical artists from Southern California that released their latest album titled "Made in LA" on Friday July 21. The group is preparing to embark on a concert tour to promote the album which will include playing live in New York's Madison Square Park, Lollapalooza in Chicago, and the Levitt Pavillion located in Pasadena.

"Made in LA" features twelve original songs and the tunes are expected to receive much airplay on SiriusXM Kids Place Live. Known for their entertaining multi-cultural, interactive, and extremely groove-worthy tunes, Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band holds appeal to people of all ages.

Lucky recently discussed his creative career in music and much more via an exclusive Interview.

Singing, songwriting, and inspiration

Meagan Meehan (MM): What prompted you to embrace a career in music and how did you form your band?

Lucky Diaz (LD): Because it’s fun to write music, and it’s fun to play instruments.

When I was a young boy, I was really fascinated by sound. So, I decided to do it full time. The band started when I met Alisha, and we both decided to do awesome stuff together.

MM: Why did you focus on family-friendly music and how did you initially land gigs?

LD: It was about ten years ago. My elder daughter was about three years old at the time, and I started writing playing songs. It was just fun: I was creating them for her. We lived in Los Feliz (in Los Angeles), and there was a toy shop that had a gig opportunity. I hit them up for a gig, and we got the gig! It all started there.

MM: Who are your biggest inspirations and what can people expect from your music?

LD: Family is the most inspiring thing for me – Alisha and my two daughters are my biggest inspiration.

MM: Can you explain a little bit about the songs on your latest album “Made in LA” and the inspirations behind them?

LD: My friends inspired me to write these new songs, and so we wrote them together and we created this work of art.

Television, movies, and more

MM: You have made music for TV shows and other media so how have these opportunities arisen?

LD: We created and worked with a great creative team in Los Angeles to produce and direct the “Lishy Lou and Lucky Too” series for kids. It was first available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels, and it now airs on public television. We produce that show ourselves. Other opportunities come up because people have liked our music, and so they contacted me to write something specific.

Coca Cola reached out, and I wrote the song “Falling” just for them.

MM: How is the process of writing for a series different than writing a song for one of your original albums?

LD: There’s a creative difference; when I’m writing an album cut it can be about anything I want. I write about peanut butter and jelly, or I write about a squirrel. When it’s for a television series or a movie project, there’s a specific need or purpose to write about. There are check marks I need to check off as I go.

MM: You have won a Grammy and an Emmy, so what were those very honorable experiences like?

LD: Shocking, full stop--these were great accolades and really nice to receive!

Concerts, tours, and other events

MM: What is it like to prepare for your concerts and what can people expect from them?

LD: Fans can expect an awesome dance party, hosted by Lishy Lou. We play all of our hits, like “Blue Bear” and “Thingamajig,” plus songs from our new album “Made in LA.” When we’re out on tour, we have to make sure that everyone in our family and the band have everything they need and the band has what they need. We recently toured in China, and there were all kinds of logistics to consider. It was quite an experience. Right now, we’re busy on our summer tour, which includes shows in Indiana, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle.

MM: What have been the greatest experiences you've had in your career as a musical artist and what sorts of feedback have you received from fans?

LD: Getting to travel with my family together has been the best experience, and I enjoy the musical process. Usually, our fans are just happy to have a dance party via our concerts. Parents are excited to see their kids so happy. The feedback we get is simply, “Ahhh! We love you!” after a show.

MM: Are you currently working on any other songs and/or albums, or planning any big events?

LD: We never stop. We’re constantly working on new songs and planning events. Right now, we’re excited about performing the musical “Peter y la Loba” in Los Angeles in August, and creating more episodes for the second season of “Lishy Lou and the Lucky Too” for the “Friday Zone” which airs on public television. We will start filming in December.

What aren’t we working on?

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To learn more about Lucky Diaz, visit his official website, Facebook, and Twitter via googling his name. He can also be found on his YouTube channel called “LuckyDiazTV.” His songs are also receiving airplay on Radio Disney and Sirius XM.