“Game of Thrones” Season 7 is all set to arrive on Sunday with the third episode. The episode is titled “The Queen’s Justice” and there are many theories floating around it, which include heated confrontations, a tragic death and some big tussle between characters.
Fans of the HBO series are looking forward to “Game of Thrones” Episode 3. And the speculation about what lies in store for them has sparked many theories for the upcoming “The Queen’s Justice” episode. The theories hint at some major drama, which might include two deaths, a heated confrontation or two and some major fight.
Will Jon Show bend his knees before Daenerys?
The HBO logline for Episode 3 of GOT Season 7 mentions only three characters i.e. Daenerys, Cersei and Jaime, but it is expected to be a pretty dramatic episode. According to reports, there are many fan theories that revolve around this episode and the major one is related to Daenerys. Melisandre has already met her and now Jon Snow is also reaching Dragonstone along with Ser Davos to seek an alliance with her. But, if he does not bend the knee, will she refuse his proposal? So, it remains to be seen, whether Jon Snow bends his knees and they form an alliance or chooses not to bow down before Daenerys.
Melisandre can be trusted?
Daenerys’ court will see some major confrontation in the upcoming episode of Season 7 as Melisandre and Davos will come face to face.
He hates her and even Jon is suspicious of her. So, this could lead to some heated exchanges. The same could also happen in Winterfell between Arya and Littlefinger. He is on her assassination list but one wonders how she can exact revenge with Sansa on his side.
The death of Greyworm coming up?
In King’s Landing, Euron is coming with his promised gift and it would be interesting to see if Ellaria will remain alive after “Game of Thrones” Season 7 Episode 3.
Speaking of death, many speculate that Greyworm will die capturing Casterly Rock. This is because the showrunners have already shown a lovemaking scene between him and Missandei, which is an indicator of separation, which could be in the form of his death.
Will Jamie kill his sister?
As for Jaime realizing his mistake as the logline of Episode 3 of GOT Season 7 says, some feel that he might kill his sister.
But many negate this theory, as if the events in the series are considered, it is too early for Cersei’s death and it might not happen in the upcoming episode. Nevertheless, Jaime is most likely to take a major decision, that is for sure.