"Darkest Hour" was directed by Joe Wright. Wright has previously been involved in such films as "Hanna", Pride and Prejudice" and "Atonement". The movie script was written by Anthony The film is to follow Churchill's life after he is elected Prime Minister. It follows the struggles Churchill faces over the peace treaty with Nazi Germany. Casting includes Gary Oldman, Kristen Scott Thomas, and Ben Mendelsohn.
The trailer has been released online.
'Darkest Hour' follows the peace treaty with Germany
"Darkest Hour" is to follow the indecision that Winston Churchill faces with negotiating a treaty with the growing power of Nazi Germany. The film begins on the day World War II stars. The character of Churchill, played by Oldman, has only been elected Prime Minister a few days before this. He is now faced with the massive decision of negotiating a treaty with Germany or pursuing justice through war.
The Nazi forces are coming quickly and Churchill must quickly make a decision. He is without the support of his own party who are trying to undermine him.
The king at the time, played by Ben Mendelsohn, is highly skeptical of the decision to elect Churchill. With everyone against him, Winston Churchill must persevere. He must withstand his "Darkest Hour" and make a decision which will dictate the course of human history forever.
Gary Oldman as Churchill
Winston Churchill is played by Gary Oldman in the biopic of his life. Oldman is known for such films as "The Dark Knight" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy". Gary Oldman has previously been nominated for an Oscar and there is speculation that his role as Winston Churchill will get him another nomination. This role is unlike anything that Oldman has played in the past and it will be interesting to see how he approaches the character of Winston Churchill.
The biopic will reveal the humanity of Winston Churchill to the audience. There is no better pick than Oldman for this task. The trailer depicts Churchill fighting his fellow party members as he makes the difficult decisions no one else could at the time during the second World War. Oldman brings an intensity to the character which is sure to enrapture the audience.
"Darkest Hour" is due to arrive in theaters this year on November 22. Further casting includes Lily James, Stephan Dillane, and Ronald Pickup. This suspenseful thriller is sure to be remembered as Churchill faces desperate decisions in "Darkest Hour".