It is finally July, and if you are anything like me, it only means one thing: "Game of Thrones" is upon us! HBO has released two awesome trailers and the seasonal posters. After watching the trailers and reading lots of articles, we know of seven things that will happen this season:
Longer episodes
Compared to the one-hour-long 10 episodes per season we knew for the past six seasons, season 7 will only have 7 episodes. On the bright side, episodes of Season 7 will be longer than usual with episodes 6 and 7 set to run 71 minutes and 81 minutes long, respectively.
Celebrity cameos
We have seen previous celebrities make cameo appearances in "Game of Thrones," such as Gary Lightbody of "Snow Patrol" who featured as a Bolton soldier in episode 3 of Season 3 and Will Champion of "Coldplay" as a drummer in the infamous episode 9 of the same season. This season, singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran will be making a cameo, and so is New York Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard who is a huge "Game of Thrones" fan. He stated that he will be playing a Lannister kin.
Walder Frey might be back
Walder Frey, played by "Harry Potter" actor David Bradley, was gruesomely killed by Arya Stark in the finale of Season 6. However, the Watchers on the Wall mentioned that we might see Walder Frey this season according to his acting resume and website.
A popular theory is that Arya will be borrowing Walder Frey's face.
Sam and Gilly in Citadel
Last season, Samwell Tarly and Gilly arrived in Citadel so Sam could be a maester. In the trailers we see Sam and Gilly reading in the library, more specifically, about Azor Ahai. Azor Ahai is known to have defeated the White Walkers during the Long Night millennia ago.
They might learn something that can help Jon Snow in the battle between the living and the undead if they make it in time.
Winter is here
Ned Stark always did promise, didn't he? Winter has finally come after 6 seasons. In the trailer, we see the characters wearing new costumes and everyone is geared for winter. Also, we see the background all filled with snow.
Are the characters going up North or has winter reached the South?
Daenerys' return to Dragonstone
Way back in Season 1, Daenerys wanted to go home instead of marrying Khal Drogo. Fast forward six seasons later and we see Daenerys has finally arrived at Dragonstone, the home of the Targaryens, with her three dragons, Tyrion Lannister, and a huge army. She has torn down Stannis Baratheon's old banners and looks like she's ready to plan to go against Queen Cersei.
There will be battles
From the trailers, we now know that there will be three battles happening this season.
- Jon Snow will be going up against the White Walkers, headed by the Night King. Jon won't be alone though as Tormund Giantsbane and Beric Dondarrion with his flaming sword, will be fighting alongside Jon.
- Theon and Yara Greyjoy will be going up against their uncle, Euron Greyjoy. Euron with his fleet is seen arriving at King's Landing, probably to form an alliance with Queen Cersei, while Theon and Yara are probably in Dragonstone with Daenerys. Euron Greyjoy actor, Pilou Asbæk has mentioned that Euron will make Ramsey look like a little kid. This will definitely be a battle to look forward to.
- Jaime Lannister is also seen at the battlefield, alongside Bronn. It seems like the Lannister army will be facing the Dothraki, and probably a dragon. Casterly Rock, home of the Lannisters, appears to be invaded by the Unsullied in the trailers. Queen Cersei was right, her enemies are everywhere.
With so much to look forward to on this season of "Game of Thrones," don't forget to watch the season premiere on Sunday night, July 16, on HBO.