To mark the celebration of her twins turning one month old, Beyonce has shared the first photo of both on the Instagram. In the photo, she is seen holding both the infants in her hand. She is wearing a blue veil and twins are covered in the purple, floral patterned sheet.
The recent photo is an acclamation to her pregnancy declaration photograph.With this, also comes the confirmation from the US singer on naming the twins, Sir Carter and Rumi. The names were rumored after she and spouse Jay-Z documented a trademark for the names.
The twins were believed to have arrived into the world around June 13.
Though, on June 18, Beyoncé's dad, Mathew Knowles, posted a birthday message to the twins on his Instagram account. This was the first and only official declaration since their twins were born. The couple had their first child Blue Ivy in 2012.
Story behind the names
In June, Jay-Z and Beyoncé went to the same California address to trademark the names as they went to enlist the trademark name for their first child Blue Ivy. Trademarks are enlisted for beauty products like key chains, mugs, baby accessories, water bottles, playing cards, hair ribbons, tote bags, novelty items and sports balls.
As we as all know, Jay-Z's real name is Shawn Carter. Beyonce posted with the photo that their infants' names are "Sir Carter and Rumi".
Apparently, this makes us wonder whether the boy’s actual name would turn out to be Sir Carter or Sir Carter Carter and whether the girl had just a single name, Rumi.
Rumi, in the mean time, is a prominent girl's name in Japanese. However, some have proposed "Rumi" might be named after the thirteenth-century Persian poet, Jelaluddin Rumi.
Reactions on the post
The web went crazy on Beyoncé's Friday post of her twins.
The world had been waiting enthusiastically to have a first look at the infants ever since they heard the news of their birth. Fans quickly shared their impressions on the photo, congratulating the couple and drooling over the cuteness of the twins.
Within an hour, the picture received more than two million likes on Instagram.Singer, Nicki Minaj also shared her pleasure for the Knowles-Carter family through her Instagram post.
In February, social networking sites were swirling the same way when the 35-year old singer posted a photograph of herself wearing lingerie and a long veil and caressing her baby bump.
Have a look at the picture and you will not fail to commit how adorable the twins are!!