As far as cast members of the 'Teen Mom' universe is concerned, Farrah Abraham is far from being a fans' favorite. Despite the fact that fans of 'Teen Mom OG' don’t really like Farrah, they can’t seem to stop talking about her. Should the fact that this MTV personality puts out on the first date be added to the reasons not to like her? Her on-and-off boyfriend Simon Saran may have just implied she does.

Twitter revelation

Simon Saran, known for being the on-and-off boyfriend of Farrah, recently took to Twitter to open up about his dating history. According to Simon, all of the women he has been in a serious relationship with ended up "putting out" on the first date. Naturally, it didn’t take long for some celebrity gossip outlets to spin this to question whether or not it meant Farrah was included in the women who put out on the first date.

Considering the fact that Farrah Abraham is the star of a show that made her famous for being a teenage mother, most wouldn't find this news to be too shocking.

Most of the girls who stared in the show were sexually active, hence the teenage pregnancy. The real answer to this question lies on whether or not Abraham is considered a serious girlfriend by Simon. One could argue the two wouldn’t break up so frequently if they were serious about each other. By the same notion, one could also argue the two wouldn’t get back together so frequently if they weren’t serious about each other.

Current relationship status

On Twitter, fans of Simon Saran seem to be supportive of him being in a relationship claiming that he is great for both Farrah and her daughter. A recent report by Daily Mail, however, suggests Farrah may actually be smitten with someone else. Could Simon have tossed the indirect shade at Farrah putting out on first dates because he’s jealous of the new man in her life?

Unfortunately for fans, it would appear as if they are not currently together. If what Simon said was actually a shade at Farrah, it would also appear as if the two were not on very good terms. The real question is: what do you think about what Simon said on Twitter? Do you think he was taking an indirect slam at Farrah? Do you think the 'Teen Mon OG' star actually puts out on first dates?

For now, it appears as if fans will have to make their own decision regarding whether or not the tweet was a shade at Farrah. Being fairly cheeky, there is always a chance Simon will clarify later.