'Ozark' is directed and produced by Jason Bateman who also stars in the show. The show was created by Bill Dubuque and the trailer for the Netflix original series has been released. The series follows a financial planner who secretly handles the finances of the second-largest drug cartel in Mexico. The drama will be dark as it sees the family fleeing their home as their husband and father explains they are being hunted by a drug cartel.
Jason Bateman stars as Marty Bird
Marty Bird is an unassuming character. He is a financial planner and is married to Wendy, played by Laura Linney.
They are the typical American family and have two teenage kids together, Charlotte and Jonah. The teenage kids are played by actors Skylar Gaertner and Sofia Hublitz.
Marty's family does not know that he is working for the second-largest drug cartel in all of Mexico. This is the crux of the series as the family is forced to flee their home due to life-threatening danger. They find themselves hiding out in the Lakes of Ozark. The family is pursued by their enemies and one has to wonder if they will turn to murder as they try to survive.
The trailer reveals what it is to come for the Bird family
The trailer for 'Ozark' was released on Monday, July 3. It contains flashes of what is to come in the new Netflix show.
From an ordinary happy family life to one on the run, there are images of crime scenes, guns, and death. Marty Bird is seen hiding under a car and standing in front of a man who was shot in the head. His wife, Wendy is cleaning blood from the ground in what appears to be a crime scene.
While the Bird family features heavily in the trailer, there was no indication of the enemies they will have to face.
It is not clear if Marty Bird's enemies will be revealed at the beginning of the series or, will they remain a faceless danger. According to TV Series Finale, these enemies are local drug dealers who have a bone to pick with Marty Bird. 'Ozark' is a dark and suspenseful watch and is sure to gain good ratings on the Netflix platform.
The development of the characters will certainly be interesting as they go from a typical American family to a family on the run. The dark themes of the show will include family, capitalism, and survival. As the parent's struggle to protect themselves and their children there is room to explore a dark transition of their characters.
'Ozark' is due to be released on Netflix on July 21. Other members of the cast include Julia Garner, Jordana Spiro, Peter Mullan and Jason Butler Harner.