Blac Chyna has officially aired her side of the story after her ex-fiance, Rob Kardashian, took to Instagram and Twitter last week to post explicit photos of the former stripper and accuse her of cheating on him. His outburst was spurred by a video that she sent him, wherein she was kissing a man while laying on her bed. While some have been led to believe that it was all Chyna's fault for instigating the fight, those who have come to her defense claim that Kardashian's revenge porn is punishable by the California law. Now, Chyna is taking back her rights by airing her side of the story, together with her attorney, Lisa Bloom, who has already arranged a temporary restraining order against Kardashian.
Ex-fiance was pushed to the limit
In a conversation with ABC News, Blac Chyna explained why she sent Rob Kardashian the video of herself kissing another man. She said, "If somebody keeps poking at you, and poking at you and poking at you, eventually, you're gonna pop. And so I was just like, maybe if I send this video to him, then he'll just leave me alone." The repercussions of her sending the video did quite the opposite, as Kardashian then published explicit photos of her on his Instagram, which was then shut down. He ended his rant on Twitter, wherein he accused her of cheating on him despite his efforts to stay loyal to her.
Rob Kardashian's lawyer speaks up
Rob Kardashian's representative Robert Shapiro told TMZ that his social media outburst was "a spontaneous reaction that he regrets," and they're all now just concerned about Blac Chyna and Kardashian's daughter, Dream.
The rest of the Kardashian clan have not commented on the matter just yet. In fact, Kris Kardashian was literally as far away from the drama as she could be, as she was in Italy with her boyfriend over the weekend.
Chyna just wants the best for Dream
Blac Chyna's lawyer Lisa Bloom has outlined their wishes for Rob Kardashian.
According to ET, Chyna's party wants Kardashian to attend anger management classes and for him to "stay away from her and to stop cyberbullying her." In fact, Chyna admitted that she had no intention of taking Dream away from her father. Bloom explained, "[Chyna] has said he's a good father...she hasn't had any reason to be concerned." The former stripper added, "I would never try to take Dream from her dad. Hopefully, me and Rob can learn to have common ground and be the best co-parents as we can be."