"Big Brother 19" aired a special episode on Friday night, July 21 to show the Battle Back challenge that was designed to bring one of the four evicted houseguests back into the house. The four evictees were Cameron, Jillian, Cody, and Dominique.
All four competed in the first challenge which was the maze game where the movement of pulleys controlled the ball. There were holes in the board, and if the ball fell through it, then the competitor had to start all over again. Jillian's ball fell several times, and she had to start over. Cameron and Cody were the first to finish, and they moved on to compete against each other in the second challenge.
Jillian and Dominique were out of the game and sent home.
Cameron, who spent only eleven hours in the house before Paul replaced him on the first night, fought hard to get back into the house. The second challenge was a slingshot game to shoot down panels. At first, Cameron was ahead, but once Cody got the hang of the game, he moved ahead and won. Cameron was sent home. Cody had to compete with an unknown challenger from the house.
Challenger from house
The houseguests were informed about the Battle Back, and that one of them would have to be a challenger to keep someone from returning to the house. However, they did not know who was in line to return. They all voted for Paul to become the challenger.
In the meantime, Cody was given the opportunity to choose one of the two games he had already played. That gave him a slight advantage. He was really focused and won against Paul. Therefore, he is going back into the house. Jessica was the only one who jumped for joy. The other houseguests were responsible for Cody leaving, and they are afraid of retaliation.
When Cody won, Jessica ran and jumped into his arms and quickly whispered in his ear for him not to do anything stupid until she had a chance to bring him up to date on what has been going on since his departure.
Showmance: Jessica and Cody
Now the showmance can continue since Cody is back in the house. Cody and the other houseguests don't know it, but Jessica is in a very good position because she is holding onto the Halting Hex which allows her to stop one of the next three live evictions.
With Cody Nickson back in the house and Jessica having the Halting Hex, anything can happen from now on. One thing for sure is that the dynamics of the house will definitely change. There are a lot of twists to come. Make sure not to miss any of the episodes on CBS on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Host Julie Chen says, "Expect the unexpected."