The “Big Brother 19” spoilers now include who won the Week 3 Veto Competition. That piece of news came out this weekend in the house, giving a new player the Power Of Veto to possibly use later this week. It created a situation where the current Head Of Household may have to make new deals in order to ensure that things go according to plan at the Veto Ceremony.
Late Thursday night (July 13), a new HOH was crowned during an endurance challenge. Alex Ow took charge of the house and got to nominate two people for eviction. She went with Jessica Graf and Dominique Cooper as her two choices, after sitting down with Jessica to let her know that she was only a pawn.
While there were backup plans put in place, Alex was clearly targeting Dominique for eviction.
Who won the Week 3 Veto Competition?
A surprise winner emerged from the Week 3 Veto Competition, creating some intriguing “Big Brother 19” spoilers on the live feeds. It was Jason Dent who won the Power of Veto, giving him the option to either save Jessica Graf or Dominique Cooper at the Veto Ceremony. The possibility is also there that he could simply choose to keep the nominations the same in order to make sure his alliance members stay safe.
Alex Ow presented several options to the other houseguests, but she wants Jason Dent to use the Veto to save Jessica Graf and then put up Raven Walton as the replacement nominee.
The thought process here is that Raven has a lot of friends in the “BB19” cast, ensuring that she would be safe as a pawn this week. It would also guarantee that Dominique receives the eviction votes of Matt Clines, Elena Davies, and Mark Jansen.
Does Dominique Cooper have any allies left in the game?
No matter what happens at the Veto Ceremony, it appears that Dominique Cooper is about to get sent to her one-on-one interview with host Julie Chen.
While having Jessica Graf on the block could certainly lead to a split in the eviction vote, there aren’t enough fans of Dominique to keep her in the game. She will join Cody Nickson in the soon-to-be Battle Back Competition for a chance to rejoin the house later this season.
None of this means that Jessica is going to be safe moving forward, but only that nobody feels she is a real threat inside the “BB19” house.
That doesn’t bode well for her, as it will now require Jessica to win the next Head of Household Competition in order to guarantee her own safety. Anything short of that and she could become a primary target unless someone decides to make a bold game move and take a shot at Paul Abrahamian. That would certainly provide some exciting “Big Brother 19” spoilers on the live feeds.