Spoiler alerts for 'The young and the restless" hint that Juliet and Jordan may be working together to destroy the Ashby marriage. It has been clear for a while that neither Juliet nor Jordan have any respect for the institution of marriage because each is selfishly pursuing their own agenda regarding Cane and Lily. If the duo is working together to break up a family, that makes it even worse.
The connection between Jordan and Juliet
So far "The Young and the Restless" has not given any clue to the viewers that Jordan and Juliet have any connection.
They do have a common goal, however. He desires Lily and she is scamming Cane. Jordan used to be a hustler and knew Chelsea back in the day. There is no reason that his path would ever cross with Juliet's because she was in Japan.
Spoilers hint that the two may form a bond to ensure Lily and Cane break up, now that Juliet is pregnant. Until now they seemed on opposite ends of the situation. On Wednesday, when Juliet fainted, Jordan told Lily that maybe she was faking an illness. Now that she has a doctor's report Jordan will probably use it to his advantage.
Time will reveal all regarding the plans of Juliet and Jordan
On Thursday, Juliet seemed sincere when she told Lily and later Hillary that she was sorry the situation worked out as it did.
She appeared to be shocked to find out she was expecting and told Hilary that she was now expecting a baby with a man that hates her. "The Young and the Restless" has yet to reveal the motive for Juliet seducing a drunken Cane. And even now she does not seem to have a romantic interest in him.
Jordan knew Lily years before and has now developed feelings for her.
He seems troubled that Cane has put her through so much. Like Juliet, Jordan does not seem to have ulterior motives except he genuinely cares for Cane's wife. Did Juliet and Jordan make a secret agreement? Spoiler alerts did not elaborate on how Juliet and Jordan will join forces, so viewers will have to watch it play out as the show progresses.
Spoilers also indicated that Juliet was going to break down on the witness stand and admit she never had sex with Cane and she might be murdered. That does not seem likely now that she is expecting and claiming Cane to be her baby daddy. There is also the fact that Victoria now wants to settle out of court, so there would be no reason for Juliet to be on the witness stand. It will be interesting to see how all of these scenarios play out.