On Monday's episode of 'The Bold and the Beautiful' the possibility of love is in the air with several cast members poised to hook up. There is no clear path regarding who will end up with whom but Eric is softening towards Sheila and the bond between Ridge and Quinn is getting stronger.

The shooting opened a door for Ridge and Quinn

Last week on 'The Bold and the Beautiful' it was revealed that Deacon Sharpe was the one who was shooting at Quinn. Katie saw him through her telescope and called Ridge who ran into the room and knocked Deacon to the floor.

He literally saved her life, and she told him so. Later Brooke remarked that because Ridge kept Quinn from being shot they have a bond for life.

Quinn told Ridge that she loved him and was safe because of him. His reply was that the only thing that mattered for her safety. These two are doing a long slow waltz to the inevitable. They are spending entirely too much time together and have a growing number of intimate moments. Quinn loves Eric but is drawn to Ridge and cannot seem to help herself.

Sheila has an agenda where Eric is concerned

As Ridge and Quinn are talking Eric comes in, and there is a knock on the door. Eric's wife and son are shocked to see it is Shelia Carter. Eric apologizes that Sheila had to spend the night in jail and gives her a cup of tea, Ms.

Carter insists she is trying to live a better life and complements Quinn on being the new matriarch of the Forrester family. Quinn is a little aloof, and Ridge only is not buying the new and improved Sheila.

Eric acknowledges he is willing to forgive his ex and give her another chance. After she leaves home, Sheila stands outside with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

She looks confident as if she has just won the first round of some type of match. It's obvious from her wicked smile that Sheila is not actually reformed and Eric Forrester is the goal she is attempting to achieve.

Where Katie and Deacon fit in

Katie is watching Ridge and Quinn while warning them not to hurt Eric. She is also becoming a little too fond of the Forrester patriarch.This makes the entire dynamic fantastic.

We have Quinn married to Eric with Sheila determined to win him back and Katie with fledgling feelings for him.

Deacon Sharpe returned to town for Quinn but seems to have a slight soft spot for Katie. So will Ridge and Quinn give in to passion and Shelia win Eric back? Does this automatically thrust Katie and Deacon together as he has no one else to turn

So will Ridge and Quinn give in to passion and Shelia win Eric back? Does this automatically thrust Katie and Deacon together as he has no one else to turn to once released from prison? Spoiler alerts are not saying for sure, but sooner or later these individual are going to hook up. it's "The Bold and the Beautiful way."