Fans have only recently come to the end of Season 2 of “Sense8” and are now left truly devastated. It had previously been reported that there would definitely be a third season of the Netflix original show, but hopes have now been dashed.
While Netflix doesn’t disclose its ratings, the Independent theorizes that the show – from “The Matrix” creators, Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J.
Michael Straczynski – was possibly short on viewers. Ironically, Netflix’s VP of original content, Cindy Holland, had nothing but praise for “Sense8,” but said in a statement that after 23 episodes, 13 countries and 16 cities, the story is coming to an end.
Emotional and ‘kicka**’ show
Holland said the show was everything they and fans had dreamed it could be – "Sense8" was emotional, bold, kicka**, stunning and outright unforgettable, according to her (fans definitely agree). She went on to say there had never been such a totally global show before, with such a diverse and international cast, which was mirrored by a global community of passionate fans who watched and enjoyed the show.
Holland went on to thank the Wachowskis and Hill for their vision, as well as the entire cast for their work and commitment. Despite all the praised heaped onto “Sense8,” however, that’s it. No more seasons, no ending to the story and no finality.
Vanity Fair went on to say Netflix’s CEO, Reed Hastings, had given a public statement saying his company needs to take more risks in terms of programming and trying crazy things, even if it does mean some shows will get canceled. Ironically “Sense8” was all that and more.
A show that covered all the important issues in the world
No clear reason has been given for the cancellation of “Sense8.” It may be that it was costing too much to shoot the show, with its worldwide stage.
It is doubtful the cancellation has anything to do with the Wachowskis themselves as the show was everything they planned it to be. It covered gender, sexuality, politics and religion in a mind-opening and mind-blowing way, just as they wanted it to.
Straczynski said that after the first season, “Sense8” had been so embraced by viewers that they were tending to watch Season 1 in binge sessions, anything from three to six times. Fans of Season 2 no doubt did the same – it was that great.
‘Sense8’ canceled on the day LGBT Pride Month begins
The timing is bad, too, as noted by some fans, as it happened on June 1, right at the beginning of LGBT Pride month. “Sense8” openly embraced LGBT and transgender issues, with Jamie Clayton (a transgender woman) playing one of the cluster of eight sensates and gay actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre playing another, thus making the cancellation on that date even crueler.
Even worse, in today’s current political turmoil, the Netflix show is all about building love and acceptance among people with completely disparate backgrounds. This was a warming message in a world where there is anything but.
Bustle is trying to be optimistic, saying in their report that maybe, just maybe, Hulu will pick up the show, especially with the success they are currently having with another groundbreaking sci-fi show, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” That would be nice, but we probably shouldn’t hold our collective breath.
One Twitter user thinks a petition for a "Sense8" movie would give fans closure. Not a bad idea.
Watch ‘Sense8’ anyway
For those who haven’t seen the show, it is still worth watching Season 1 and Season 2 – the filming, the acting, the emotions, the locations and everything about those 23 episodes is truly amazing, shocking, tear-jerking and funny, all in one. The "Sense8" story is about eight sensates, a different kind of being, psychically linked in clusters – experiencing each other’s lives, customs, and love and, most importantly, getting along.