Ever since Netflix dropped “Making a Murderer” in 2015, viewers got quickly intrigued with Steven Avery’s life. The 54-year-old has been convicted of murdering Teresa Halbach in 2005 and now serving a life sentence.
Fans of the documentary television series believed that the offender is just wrongfully accused. Now that “Making a Murderer” Season 2 will continue featuring the murder case of the photographer, take a look at the life of the man from Manitowoc County.
The life of Avery
Steven Avery was from Wisconsin, USA. He was married to Lori Mathiesen, and they had four children, Rachel, Jenny, and the twins Steven and Will.
The murder of Teresa Halbach was not the first case he had faced. In fact, he had been wrongfully convicted of sexual assault of a young, female jogger in 1985. While he was imprisoned, his wife filed for divorce; thus he had lost custody of his kids. He spent 18 years in prison before his verdict got overturned. He was given $36 million for an offense he never did.
A few days later, Steven Avery was again arrested for an alleged murder of Teresa Halbach in 2005.
In 2007, he was found guilty and convicted of a life sentence, which he was currently serving at Wisconsin’s Waupun Correctional Institution, ineligible for parole.
While in prison, he had a relationship with Lynn Hartman through phone calls and snail mails. They got quickly engaged one week after they first met. However, the marriage didn’t last long. According to reports, he left her as he feared that he was being a gold-digger.
His life and struggle to find justice was then documented in “Making a Murderer” on Netflix. In the last episode of the documentary series’ first season, it was revealed that he had used all his possible appeals. He, too, was denied to have state-appointed legal representation.
The fight for his freedom
Moreover, Steven Avery has been continuously fighting for his freedom for the past 11 years.
Fortunately, his trusted lawyers, Dean Strang and Jerry Buting, are constantly helping him. The two legal representatives revealed that the new DNA testing could ignite a new trial for the murder of Teresa Halbach.
Meanwhile, in other news, the former district attorney of Calumet County Ken Krantz revealed that “Making a Murderer” was heavily edited to mislead the viewers. He also accused people behind the documentary series for leaving major evidence to trick its fans. The lawyer also said that the Netflix documentary was only a “good piece of entertainment,” but not even close to what was really happening.