Gloria Estefan announced on Tuesday night that her mother, Gloria Fajardo, passed away. The singer took to Facebook, and she wrote, "Tonight at 8:19 pm we lost my dearest mother." Meanwhile, amid her difficult times, Estefan added that her mother was filled with peace since she was surrounded by her entire family including her children and grandchildren.
To recall, the singer has been sharing photos of her mother in the social media as she asked for prayers and thoughts for her current health. She further revealed that on Tuesday night was a right sign for her mother to rest since her grandmother Consuelo also died 32 years ago at the same time her mother died.
School teacher
Gloria Fajardo, Estefan's mother, had worked as a dedicated school teacher during his day. To recall, Estefan's parents fled with her to the United States from their native land, Cuba. Fajardo was known to have supported their family during her stay in the United States as she worked as a teacher.
Meanwhile, Estefan, who is a graduate of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy High School, became a singer back then in Miami. Estefan, together with her husband Emilio Estefan Jr., became superstars during their hit maker in 1985, the "Conga."
Apparently, their success story became the inspiration of other personalities who had taken their Broadway musical careers. Amid the death of her mother, the popular singer added that she would definitely miss her mom and she will be thinking of her every single day.
Fajardo was indeed a role model to her life.
Biggest fan
The "Rhythm is Gonna Get You" singer was indeed sad with the passing of her mother. She considers her mom her biggest fan in everything she does. The singer was very emotional as she shared the news in both Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Estefan shared that her mother died peacefully while being surrounded by the entire family.
Her most trusted friends also joined she and her family during that night. The singer added that her mother's time of death had given them a very significant meaning.
Right now, the details of Fajardo's funeral are yet to be revealed. The entire family is still in saddest moments of their lives as they mourn the loss of the most special person in their lives.
Nevertheless, Fajardo will always be remembered by her entire family as the kindest mother and grandmother she had ever been. Moreover, she will also be remembered as an incredible woman to many people.