The show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" has been around a while now, but the ratings aren't always the best. Recently, reports came out that Kris Jenner had an emergency meeting with the family to try and save the show. These initial reports were from The National Enquirer and now Gossip Cop has been able to figure out if this is true or not. Of course, the Kardashians don't want this show to go away. They have a few other ways to bring in money, but the show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" is the main thing that they all do together.
So did this really go down?
The original article said that the show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" lost a ton of their viewers last season and they needed to do something to fix what was going on. They said that a source reached out to them and said that, "Kris must get those numbers up and is desperate. She wants the kids to come up with even more outrageous story lines." They didn't know what these story lines were supposed to be, though. The Kardashian clan has had a few crazy things go on over the years, but they were their real lives as well. Obviously, Khloe marrying Lamar and then going through everything wasn't just made up for television and ratings.
What was Gossip Cop able to find out?
Gossip Cop reached out to a rep for Kris Jenner and got the details. Of course, they said that this story was totally false and that a meeting like this didn't happen at all. You know that the Kardashians do meet up from time to time and talk about the show, but it doesn't sound like Kris is any fear that the entire thing will fall apart.
She is still holding it together after her divorce from Caitlyn Jenner.
In reality, the Kardashians have another reality show coming out soon. The new series "Life With Kylie" will star Kylie Jenner and will start airing in August on E!. There has also been some talk about a show with Scott Disick where he will be flipping houses.
Even though Scott isn't with Kourtney anymore he is still a big part of the family and is always around because of the kids.
Are you surprised to hear that Kris Jenner didn't really meet with the family as reported? Do you think that they need to do something to save this show? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" when they return on Sunday nights to E!. You will also want to make sure that you get to see "Life With Kylie" when it starts on E! in August.