"The Lion King" is a famous animated movie created in 1994 by Walt Disney Studios. There were a number of movies in The Lion King franchise and in 2015 the latest addition "The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar" was added. This movie spin-off was then turned into a TV series for kids and in 2016; "The Lion Guard" was aired on Disney Junior. The series follows Kion, the son of Simba and Nala in his adventures with his friends.
Two-time Emmy nominee to take on the role of Scar
David Oyelowo has taken on the task of voicing famous Disney villain Scar in the Disney Junior show "The Lion Guard". Season 2 will premiere with the character of Scar featuring heavily. The first episode of the second season is called "The Rise of Scar". This episode will see the son of Simba and Nala, voiced by Rob Lowe and Gabrielle Union, accidentally summon Scar. Kion will use the Roar of the Elders in a moment of heightened emotions and Scar will appear in the flames of a volcano.
Jeremy Irons voiced Scar in the original 1994 movie. Oyelowo is the perfect choice to play the villain on Disney Junior's show and is sure to bring a meanness to the character children can relate to.
It is unclear how much screen time Oyelowo will receive. However, the episode titled "The Rise of Scar" is rumored to be a feature length return to the series.
'The Lion Guard' follows the next generation of lions on Disney Junior
"The Lion Guard" follows Kion and his friends in their adventures in the Pride Lands. The son of Simba, Kion has been made the leader of The Lion Guard. The job comes with great responsibility as it comes with the duty of protecting the Pride Lands from both inner and outer threats. "The Lion Guard" sees a diverse group of friends including honey badger Bunga, cheetah Fuli, hippopotamus Beshte and Ono the egret.
The voice cast includes actors such as Joshua Rush, Atticus Shaffer, Diamond White, Max Charles and Dusan Browne.
Alongside the recurring cast, other voice actors are set to join the series for its second season. These include the likes of Christopher Jackson, AJ McLean and Renee Elise Goldsberry. These actors will be portraying such animals as a zebra, a gorilla, and a golden mole. Other new characters will also be joining the show.
The second season of "The Lion Guard" returns to Disney Junior on July 7. A third season of the series has already been commissioned as of March 2017. A spin-off series following characters Bunga and Ono called "It's UnBungalievable!" is also in the works.