While dealing with his own controversy, comedian Bill Maher went off on Donald Trump following the explosive testimony of former FBI Director James Comey. After the president accused Comey of lying under oath, Maher didn't hold back, while later apologizing for his previous use of the "N-word."
Maher on Trump
Over the last week, two stories have dominated the headlines. One involves Bill Maher who came under fire last week for using the term "house n*gga" in a joke when responding to a Republican senator who asked him to come "work in the fields." Critics of Maher spoke out, accusing the host of "Real Time" on HBO of being a "racist" and demanding he lose his job.
Maher apologized and HBO didn't cower to the demands. In bigger news, James Comey finally testified in Congress and elaborated on his meetings with Donald Trump before his termination last month. Comey labeled the president a liar for how he handled his exit from the FBI, accusing the former host of "The Apprentice" of smearing and defacing his name in the process. Trump lashed out at Comey on Twitter, referring to him as a "leaker," while going even further during a speech at the White House on Friday. These issues were discussed in further detail during the June 9 edition of "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO.
Kicking off his latest show with his routine monologue, Bill Maher addressed the elephant in the room before lashing out at Donald Trump. "There's someone who had a worse week than me...Donald Trump," Maher said in reference to the aforementioned "N-word" controversy. "Did you watch the James Comey testimony?" Maher asked, before adding, "People actually went to bars to watch this. It's part of the Republican plan to make America day drunk again."
After Bill Maher detailed the points James Comey made in his testimony, the comedian ripped into the GOP for continuing to defend the president. "The Republicans will still not impeach him. If only Comey asked him to blow him!" he added. "Trump did not tweet for 46 hours.
That's a new record!" Maher sarcastically pointed out, before trolling the commander in chief for returning to social media to accuse Comey of perjury. "The main Republican talking point is that Trump is too stupid to be guilty of anything. If that's the case, isn't he too stupid to be president?" he concluded.
Maher's apology
Following his monologue, Bill Maher sat down with Michael Eric Dyson to speak about the elephant in the room over his use of the "N-word." "I did a bad thing," Maher admitted. "Yes, it was wrong and I own up to that. It happened, and it was wrong," he continued, before adding, "People make mistakes, we're all sinners." The two had a productive discussion and appeared to clear the air over the issue at hand.
Next up
As Bill Maher and other critics of the president continue to hold his feet to the fire, it doesn't appear as if Donald Trump will be backing down anytime soon. Trump and his team seem defiant in sticking to their agenda and talking points, and only time will tell what takes place next.