Korean drama "The Legend Of The Blue Sea" was originally aired on South Korea TV channel SBS. The TV series ended about three months ago but some Asian countries are still currently airing it. The show has maintained high ratings, and it's no wonder that fans are calling for a Season 2. The average rating of this hit Korean mini-series is 19.3 percent. The show only had 20 episodes, with one special aired in December.

On its final episode, the cast of "The Legend of the Blue Sea" were given proper closure but fans just want more out of the story. The fate of Season 2 is still up in the air, however, if it is approved, many wonder who will take Lee Min-ho's role as the handsome conman, Kim Dam-Ryeong.

Shim Cheong is open about doing a Season 2

The lead actor of the hit Korean series, "The Legend of the Blue Sea," has previously shared that he is starting mandatory military service this month. Lee Min-ho was supposed to enlist sooner, however, an accident in 2006, and another one in 2011, prevented him from doing so.

His announcement broke millions of fans' hearts, and this just sealed the deal that if a Season 2 is going to start filming soon, he won't be able to reprise his role anymore.

"The Legend of the Blue Sea" tells the story about Heo Joon-Jae (Lee Min-ho), a con artist, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun). The story is based from one of Korea's historical tales about a mermaid who got captured by a fisherman. The lead actress, Shim Cheong, is said to have expressed interest in reprising her role.

Who will replace Lee Min-ho?

Who will take the coveted lead male role, then? Fans say that either Nam Joo Hyuk or Lee Sung Kyung fit the bill. Both actors starred in another Korean series, "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo." Other fans say that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo ("Descendants Of The Sun") could do justice to the role.

Some suggest the name of actor, singer and model Lee Joon Gi. The actor has previously expressed interest in doing a romantic comedy drama, and that he will gladly take on an offer for a role.

SBS is yet to confirm if there is indeed going to be a "The Legend of the Blue Sea" Season 2, but Korean drama fans do not have a shortage of names for lead actors. While they say they are sad that Lee Min Ho won't be able to make a comeback for a continuation of this story, but at least, there are still a massive supply of Korean actors who can take on the job. Fans can only hope the network will make an announcement soon.