It is almost time for the season premiere of "The Bachelorette" 2017 with rachel lindsay. On Monday, May 22, her journey will start airing, and the spoilers for the first episode are already here. Reality Steve has been able to figure out exactly what you should expect to see as Rachel meets her guys. I know I am excited about this new season!

Rachel starts her journey

The show will start out before Rachel meets the guys and she will actually show off that she is a lawyer.

She will also get to bring her dog Cooper to LA to film the show with her. After that, they will show the intro videos of the guys, but according to Steve, the guys to watch aren't really shown in these videos. Maybe they are already trying to confuse the viewers a bit.

In the intro videos, you will get to meet Kenny, a wrestler who has a 10-year-old daughter, Jack a lawyer from Dallas, Alex a huge nerd plus a few other guys. This part is always interesting so you can see what kind of guys they picked for Rachel. Remember that Rachel is from Texas, so that is a plus for Jack.

When it comes to Rachel getting advice, Alexis, Corinne, Jasmine, Raven, Kristina, Astrid, and Whitney all from last season show up to talk to her.

The crazy thing is Sarah happens to know one of the guys and says he has a girlfriend at home, so the viewers will have to wait and see if that is the case or not.

Rachel gets to meet her men

When it is time for the limo exits, Rachel Lindsay won't be just meeting twenty-five guys. Instead, she is actually meeting thirty-one men this season. Petter will be the first guy out of the limo, and Rachel does think he is cute. Willie will show up dressed like Steve Urkel and slip when he gets out of the limo on purpose. That will make an impression, but it might not be a good one. Fred turns out to have known Rachel, and he was a lot younger than her, but she just remembers him as a kid who was always in trouble.

Dean will bring in sand and stuff to make sand castles for their one on one time together. Josiah is going to impress her with a sad story from his past. Bryan will end up getting her first impression rose and also a kiss. Blake Killpack, Grant Hubsher, Jamey Kocan, Jedidiah Ballard, Kyle Sherwood, Milton, Mo Sehgal, and Rob Howard are the guys that go home this week. Rachel Lindsay will send home eight guys and keep around the rest to try to find the love of her life.

Are you excited to watch Rachel Lindsay try to find love as "The Bachelorette"? Do you think she will get her happy ending? Sound off in the comments section below, and don't miss new episodes starting on Monday, May 22 on ABC.