Melissa McCarthy is an American comedienne who is set to join the Five-Timers Club this weekend on “Saturday Night Live.“ The “Identity Thief” actress seems to be doing well in her career and her physical appearance, as she looks healthier and thinner.

Melissa McCarthy's best 'Saturday Night Live' sketches

Melissa McCarthy will be joining the roster of Steve Martin, Tina Fey, Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin and John Goodman who have already hosted the show five times. But what’s good with McCarthy, is every time she hosts, she gets an Emmy nomination.

Her best sketches are as follows:

  • "Opening Monologue," which was her very first SNL sketch way back 2011.
  • "Arlene," which is about lady-boner.
  • The "Taste Test" about a hilarious salad dressing taste testing.
  • The "Outside the Lines," which is about an abusive basketball coach and
  • The "Pizza Business," which is about a pizza loan.

McCarthy also starred in SNL's "Million Dollar Wheel," which is similar to of "Wheel of Fortune" but funnier. Then there was "Women’s Group," which is a story about a woman fighting for a different purpose. There was also the "Girlfriend’s Talk Show," which is about a divorcee turned speed dating expert and the "Pick-Up Artist," which is about a Scooby-Doo Velma look alike struggling to get a date and her recent beloved character Sean Spicer, doing a cold open press conference.

This portrayal garnered 27 million Youtube views so far and a lot of talk even coming out the White House. Due to the popularity of this character, McCarthy will come back this Saturday in SNL.

To celebrate McCarthy’s entry to the Five-Timers Club, her imitation of White House press secretary Sean Spicer will do rounds of press conferences all over the streets of New York. This is as per a sneak peek from "Saturday Night Live" as well as a recorded video posted online from a certain netizen on 59th St in New York City. What’s even funnier, is Melissa McCarthy rides through a mobile podium while doing random press conferences on her way to Rockefeller Center.

McCarthy’s weight loss success

McCarthy definitely looks better, thinner and healthier as she has lost weight.

Several reports are making rounds that the "Spy" actress has definitely proved that any person can actually achieve success in anything they want to have, especially when it comes to weight loss.

As per reports, McCarthy has been following the TLC diet. The TLC diet is reportedly trending because it works well for many people, as it does not starve the person who is trying to lose weight.

Melissa McCarthy can be seen in the new episodes of “Saturday Night Live.”