"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is officially returning for a fifth season after a brief period of collective anxiety about it will carry on for another year. FOX aired two episodes of the Andy Samberg-led comedy this week, in the hopes of reiterating just how good Dan Goor and Michael Schur (alums of "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation") are at their craft.
The "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" fandom collectively breathed a sigh of relief when their "#RenewB99" Twitter campaign worked and The Hollywood Reporter announced the show's renewal.
'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' has very passionate fans
Back in April, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" co-creator Dan Goor sat down with TVLine to talk about the fate of the show, which at the time was on the bubble. He admitted to knowing that the fans of the show are indeed passionate about it and would definitely give the network a piece of their collective minds in the event that it would get canceled. Goor said that fans would "riot"
Goor said that fans would "riot" in the event of a cancellation, which thankfully has been avoided, as it has been renewed for season 5.
Co-creator Dan Goor did not write a series finale, 100th episode coming next season
Last April, series co-creator Dan Goor spoke of the show's trajectory moving forward, regardless of whether it would be canceled.
He admitted that they didn't write a "potential series finale" for the show, as they remained hopeful for a Season 5 renewal. As it has now been confirmed, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will see its fifth year, in which they will achieve their 100th episode, a feat that is often peppered with special guests and features. Speaking of special guests, the show recently welcomed
As it has now been confirmed, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will see its fifth year, in which they will achieve their 100th episode, a feat that is often peppered with special guests and features.
Speaking of special guests, the show recently welcomed
Speaking of special guests, the show recently welcomed "Castle" star Nathan Fillion, and is also set to feature Ryan Phillippe as Gina's new love interest in the series' penultimate episode this season.
Show returns to comedy after racial profiling episode
One of the more interesting things about "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is how they manage to balance the comedy and the heart of the show.
Last week, the series featured an emotionally charged episode in which Sgt. Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews) was racially profiled by none other than a white cop.
The show isn't new to telling stories that are at times tough to talk about. In fact, the show has defied a lot of stereotypes by placing a black gay captain at the center of it all.
There's also the fact that the show has not one but two Latina actresses on it, making it one of the most racially diverse comedies on TV today. Following last week's more serious episode, it geared back towards Jake (Andy Samberg) and Amy's (Melissa Fumero) relationship and reminded fans of the heart of the show. In "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" season 5, viewers may get to see Amy rise to the ranks just as "Parks and Recreation"'s
In "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" season 5, viewers may get to see Amy rise to the ranks just as "Parks and Recreation"'s Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) did. For now, the show will air its last four episodes beginning Tuesday, May 16.