Now that Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are going back through the divorce process, it looks like the "RHOA" star (or former "RHOA" star depending on what you believe) may end up paying out way more in the divorce settlement than she had hoped for.
Wait, weren't they already divorced?
Phaedra Parks announced during Season 9 of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" that she and Apollo's divorce was finalized. It was too, except that Apollo didn't even know about it. It was during the "RHOA" reunion show that Phaedra even claimed to have already paid Apollo his settlement, which she claimed was $100,000.
When Apollo learned of the divorce, reportedly from Todd Tucker, he was quick to contest it due to some major filing errors and also because Apollo claimed that he wasn't served properly or allowed to defend himself.
A judge agreed with Apollo that something wasn't right about the divorce that Phaedra filed and threw it out. This forced Apollo Nida and Phaedra Parks to refile their divorce and work out a settlement with both partners present and involved. This time around, it was Apollo who filed and from the looks of it, he managed to spell everyone's name right in the paperwork and the two are working to resolve their disagreements about how to split up their property and how much money each of them should get.
And then there was a prenup...
It's not a huge surprise that Apollo Nida wants the judge to throw out the prenup he signed prior to marrying Phaedra in 2009. Apollo's reason for wanting the prenup thrown out has to do with Phaedra being cast on Bravo's "Real Housewives of Atlanta" in 2010, just months after the couple got married.
He says that the new reality TV role drastically changed their financial situation and had he known before getting married, he might have taken a different direction.
There has been some chatter before about whether or not Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida's prenup would even stand up in court when it came time to divvy up their belongings.
Aside from Phaedra's casting, there were a few other red flags regarding the document.
The first being that it was signed just nine days before their wedding. Typically, attorneys would suggest preparing the prenuptual agreement at least 60 days in advance and making sure everything is signed at least 30 days in advance. Anything closer to the wedding than that and it can be contested due to the pressure of the upcoming wedding.
Naturally, Apollo is being accused of trying to get his hands on more of Phaedra's money. Even TMZ, who broke the report about the contested prenup, said that he must be doing this because the numbers just didn't add up the way he liked the other way.