The producers and cast of the Netflix documentary film, “Get Me Roger Stone attended the premiere of the film at the SVA Theater in New York as part of the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and answered questions from the press on the red carpet before the film. Roger Stone made an appearance later that evening and this column spotted him in the audience.

Who is Roger Stone?

Roger Stone, who has been called the “dirty trickster,” is a political strategist who was primarily responsible for getting Donald Trump elected during the topsy-turvy 2016 election this past November.

He convinced Trump to run for president and Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. He’s been the topic of discussion on various news programs; and is a frequent guest on “The Alex Jones Show.” He’s also the author of several books, including his most talked-about book, “The Clintons' War on Women.”

The documentary is an “insiders look” at the man who is commonly called, “The Dark Prince.” He has a huge collection of Nixon memorabilia and even the famous "Nixon" tattoo on his back, and was involved with every election within the Republican party. He now considers himself to be a “liberal.” The film has an attitude and is very interesting and fun to watch.

How the film became the property of Netflix

Speaking with the directors of the film, Dylan Bank, Daniel Dimauro, Morgan Pehme, and Executive Producer Blair Foster on the red carpet, they explained why it was important to make the film and their thoughts about it.

“We wanted to make a film that would be palatable, interesting to all audiences, people of all political strifes, and I think Roger thought we were sincere in that and then we will let him weigh in on if we succeeded.” said director Daniel Dimauro. “We approached him as journalists and serious documentary filmmakers and I think that’s what we did for the last five and a half years. I’m very proud of the work of my extraordinary team.”

When asked how they got President Trump in the film, director Dylan Bank said, “Trump and Roger are just so close to each other, it wouldn’t be a Roger Stone documentary without Trump’s participation and I think that Trump felt like he owed it to Roger to give us an interview and talk to him about it.” They all agreed that not only is Roger a “conspiracy theorist,” he makes a living as one and calls himself, “an alternative historian!”

Asking Executive Producer Blair Foster why Netflix was interested in the project, he said:

“When I first met the directors in January of last year, and they had been working on the film for four years and they felt that it was a much bigger story and I ended up taking it to Netflix and they knew right away that we had to make this film.

It's so timely, we could barely keep up with the events, and we thought we were going to finish the film immediately after the election, then with the election going on we knew immediately we had to go back in and finish the film. Fortunately for us, Netflix recognized how important and timely the film was,” Foster explained.

The film will be available on Netflix starting May 12.