Alright, so we got these 3, new sneak peek/spoiler clips (below) from the Showtime and "Homeland" folks this past Sunday night. They're for the huge season finale episode 12 of this current season 6, and they did not disappoint as we see some crazy scenes that feature Keane and Carrie getting held at gunpoint. Some guy gives the orders to hunt Quinn down at one point, and so much more. This last one is titled: "America First."
Special ops team
In the first clip, we get a glimpse at a couple of different scenes, starting with more of Carrie and Quinn in action.
Carrie is spotted, telling him that she thinks she knows where that special ops team is headed, and that they need to go right now! Next, we see Dar back in action, picking on the freaking United States Senator by tying him up with just his underwear on, and throwing water at him. Keane is seen, asking Saul, "Am I that Scary?" He replies with: "You're a bad dream." So, that's a little comic relief, I guess.
Then we see a scene that reveals, there are orders to eliminate Quinn, claiming he tried to kill the President elect. After that, Carrie and Keane are spotted in an elevator, and they're in serious trouble, because Carrie is seen, saying that they're jamming all signals and are currently in a kill zone!
Uh oh! If that weren't enough. As soon as they try to get out of the elevator, they're met by a man with gun pointed dead in their face! Oh no! That's a freaking wild clip for sure.
Lots of gun toters
Alright, next. We've got clip number 2, which gives us a solo scene that features new looks at Quinn and Carrie, trying to make their way through a very emotional crowd of protesters.
From there, they both tell each other what they're about to do before splitting ways. Shortly after that, we see the camera stay on Quinn as he makes his way through the crowd. Then we just see him, staring at all the military guys that have guns pointed and ready to fire at any threats that appear. It looks like a very dangerous scene for whoever they decide to fire at.
No doubt.
Secret Service in action
Next and last, we've got clip number 3. In it, we see Carrie in action yet again. She's seen, rushing through a building with Saul, Keane and a bunch of Secret Service guys that are trying to make sure Keane gets out of there, safe and sound. The clip closes out with them,rushing Keane into a car and giving orders to Carrie, Saul, and the others as to how things are going to go down. It looks pretty intense and suspenseful. Be sure to check out the new clips, below, and stay tuned. The big, finale episode 12 is due to arrive this Sunday night, April 9th,2017 at 9pm eastern standard time.