Over the weekend it was revealed that legendary pop singer Janet Jackson had separated from her Qatari billionaire husband Wissam Al Mana. The separation came 3 months after she gave birth to her son Eissa Al Mana. Sources close to the couple revealed that the couple decided to separate after they figured out things were not working out and Janet Jackson would stay with little Al Mana in London where they would both co-parent the boy.
Al Mana not yet over her!
Local Media Outlets had earlier reported that the couple was divorcing but a source close to the couple clarified yesterday that Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana were separating but not divorcing.
A few hours after the confirmation it seems that Wissam Al Mana may not yet be ready to let go of Janet.
On his official website, Wissam has not yet pulled down a quote where he gushes about Janet Jackson.The words which are said to have been put on the website in 2012 when the two got married expresses optimism that his marriage to Jackson would last forever.
“To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend. I love you so much, Inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x.” The quote is accompanied by a photo of Janet Jackson.
The couple could be back together soon
The confirmation that theirs was just a separation and not a divorce could signal the willingness of both Jackson and Al Mana to try working things out.
Rumors about a looming separation between Jackson and Al Mana began surfacing way back in 2014 but they were shot down by the news that Jackson was finally kicking off her Unbreakable World Tour. When she kicked off her tour, media outlets began reporting that the singer, who was raised a Jehovah Witness, had converted to Islam which is her husband's religion after she ditched her skimpy performance costumes during concerts and opted for loose fitting clothing.
The rumors were further fueled by the reports that she ended her concerts with the word Inshallah (an Arabic term meaning if it's the wish of God).
A day after media outlets reported about the separation, Jackson was spotted shopping in London dressed in loose fitting clothing. Many would expect that after the separation Jackson would go back to the sexy wardrobe she once had but clearly that was not the case as Jackson was dressed in loose sweatpants and a baggy hoodie.
Clearly Jackson who was reported to have often felt like a disappointment to her husband as a result of her slow adaptability to his culture seems not yet ready to go back to her old lifestyle which she was used to before she met Al Mana.