"The Fate Of The Furious," the eight installment of "The Fast and Furious" franchise, debuted on April 14th. So far it is expected to gross over $534 million worldwide at the box office. Stars in the latest installment include Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, and Charlize Theron. Cast members who returned to reprise their roles include Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, and Chris "Ludacris" Bridges.
In the latest "Fast and Furious," Dom and Letty have finally married, and they are on their honeymoon. Dom ends up in a street race with one of the locals, and he wins. The next day he is approached by a hacker named Cypher, and he agrees to work with her. Cipher, portrayed by Charlize Theron, is later revealed to be the mastermind behind all their previous missions, and her goal is to start a world war.
Spectacular zombie car chase in New York City
IndieWire reported that one of the most spectacular scenes from the movie is a zombie car chase orchestrated by Cipher. During the course of the movie, she forces Dom to go rogue and causes him to betray his family.
She is trying to steal the nuclear football from the president's limousine. In order to succeed, she hacks hundreds of cars to stop the limousine from getting through. Although the scene takes place in Manhattan, it is largely filmed in Cleveland with tie-ins to Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. The stunts are real as are the car crashes. The scenes were carefully choreographed to make it as realistic as possible.
Cipher uses Dom to apprehend the suitcase while his gang is unable to stop him. Dom then tries to use his ’72 Plymouth GTX Road Runner to try and get away, but his gang finally gets a chance to stop him. In the end, Dom's car is destroyed.
'The Fate of the Furious' set to pass 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' at the box office
Variety reported that the estimate of the box office worldwide for "The Fate of the Furious" would come in at around $534.2 million. The "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" worldwide box office was around $529 million followed by "Jurassic World" at $524 million and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" at around $483.2 million. The domestic gross, which is the U.S. debut, is estimated to be around $108 million.
It cost the studio $250 million to make "The Fate of the Furious," so the international box office has become increasingly important to making a film profitable. The domestic debut is ranked 38th, coming in behind "The Secret Life of Pets," on the list of the most profitable weekend debuts domestically. Toy sales are doing well, and it has been reported that they are flying off the shelves.