Jill and Derick Dillard are new parents to their son Israel and have another baby on the way. In a recent interview with TLC, they shared their thoughts on parenting on how they don't have it all figured out just yet. Their son Israel is two-years-old now. Jill shared saying, "I grew up around little kids a lot, but it’s totally different when it’s your own kid." They seem to be doing great as parents, but it is something they are still working on. Everyone has to learn on their own the way that they parent the best.
Jill and Derick don't hold back
This couple isn't holding back at all now on their thoughts about parenting. Derick spoke out saying, "We really love being parents, and I think just seeing, as a father specifically like I enjoy seeing his development and being able to teach him new things." Jill shared that Isreal is learning to say things like "I love you" already. Jill and Derick do love being parents to their young son.
Right now, Jill and Derick are spending some time without their family around while in Central America and doing mission trips. This is testing their parenting skills a bit because they are the ones in charge of taking care of everything. They are going to be coming back to Arkansas for their birth of their second child.
It is unknown exactly how long they will end up staying here.
Jill did share that they can't really give out parenting advice, but that her mom Michelle Duggar is the best one to do that job. Derick revealed they have been getting more advice rather than giving it out to people. Things are going to totally change when their second son is born in the upcoming months.
They have only known each other three years and had a son for two years. Derick admits that he had never changed a diaper before, but they are learning it all. These two seem to be doing well and enjoying life.
Jill Dillard revealed that they are always asking advice from other people like Jill's mom and Derick's mom. It does sound like they have some pretty great help in their lives and that has to make things easier for them.
Jill and her sister Jessa are both learning how to be moms at the same time. Jessa already has two children of her own at home.
Are you surprised to hear Jill and Derick Dillard being so open about how parenting isn't always easy? Are you excited for the return of "Counting On"? The show will be back with a new season starting this summer on TLC. They haven't shared the exact date that it will be back.