On today's "The Bold and the Beautiful," the employees of Spectra Fashions were preparing for their first fashion show. As Sally is getting ready for her Forester knock offs to hit the runway, Bill Spencer is hoping her show is an epic fail. Coco is being kept out of the loop because she unwittingly video taped the stolen designs with cameras that were planted in her necklace and a broach.
Sally and Coco's grandmother is trying to keep the Forester men at bay, while Jared Maxwell shows up to review the fashions. It's a mad house, but it's also show time, in more ways than one.
What Dollar Bill is up to
Dollar Bill Spencer is living up to his name, as he has dollar signs in his eyes. He is hoping the fashion show will tank, so that the Spectra's won't be able to pay the rent. Bill wants to swoop in and purchase the building at a bargain. He wants to use it as a commercial property. Bill has sent critic Jared Maxwell to keep an eye on things. Mr. Spencer threatened Maxwell with the loss of his job if he does not give a scathing review, as he did previously.
Maxwell is surprised at how the Spectra's have upgraded, and he is conflicted between loyalty to his boss and giving a true review of the fashions.
The Spectra way
Against Sally's wishes, Saul has recreated Forester designs with a tweak here and a tweak there. This is how the original Sally Spectra made her name. She stole from the Forester's then had her fashion show, before they could showcase their original products. Sally broke it off with Thomas even though she loves him. She is resigning herself to the family tradition, and will allow the chips to fall where they may.
The truth will set free
Should the fashion show be a success, the truth will set a lot of people free. If Jared Maxwell gives a glowing review, his conscience will be clear, and he will feel redeemed from the hateful earlier review he gave to appease his boss Dollar Bill.
Mr. Spencer will blow his stack because he will not be able to acquire the property he desires, and Maxwell may lose his job. Should the Forester's recognize the theft of their designs, they will immediately suspect Sally and Coco. This will crush Thomas and R.J. -- the brothers who are in love with the Spectra sisters. Tomorrow is cliffhanger Friday, so fans should get ready for a true show-stopper. The war between the Forester's and Spectra's is back on with younger players, and hearts will be broken.