Comedy Central, the American basic cable and satellite television network responsible for airing South Park, has yet to announce the airing of South Park season 21 for 2017. This means fans eager to get their eyes on the beloved animated series will definitely have to wait a bit.
However, while waiting for the official announcement, fans might as well feast on some spoilers and the latest updates on the game "South Park: The Fractured But Whole."
The spoiler ahead
With the fun and election-themed satiric excitement fans enjoyed in season 20, it is expected that the series will continue its run for political parodies in South Park season 21, especially now that Donald Trump has assumed office.
With Hillary Clinton losing the recent presidential race, she may no longer be part of this parodic undressing of political weakness, unless, of course, she gets to the spotlight again with some political stunts.
However, this political theme may not be the case, as the co-creator of the series, Trey Parker revealed that it would be hard to top the comedy that has been happening in real-life U.S. politics. As seasoned as he is, he bared that the upcoming season will be less politically flavored compared to the last season.
For fans who will groan at this, fear not for this revelation might be a little too early.
With the pace that Donald Trump is setting in running the current administration, there will be ample opportunities for the creators to focus once again and come up with off-the-wall satire on the happenings at Washington.
The release postponed once again
"South Park: The Fractured But Whole" role-playing game (RPG) developed by Ubisoft is rumored to be released much later than the later-date-in-2017 announced by Ubisoft back in their press release last December 2016. In fact, rumor has it that the game could possibly not be released this year.
In the press release, Ubisoft mentioned that the game will be out the coming fiscal year so fans cannot really hold it against them as this fiscal year ends in March 2018.
There is nothing much for it but to wait the year out for the releases from Comedy Central and Ubisoft of the South Park season 21. In the meanwhile, fans can dig in and amuse themselves with the real-life political comedy taking place in Washington.