Episode 17 of "Madam Secretary" Season 3, titled “Convergence,” is set to show Elizabeth and her group from the State Department as they reveal a probable mole in the CIA’s smuggling organization. They will also try to save rhinos from drowning in Namibia. The teaser for the next episode “Convergence” published on TV Guide states: “A possible mole is caught in the CIA members smuggling organization, but Elizabeth (T. Leoni) doubts that he could be a little piece of a bigger, more alarming power behind the administration. In the meantime, Henry (T.
Daly) troubles that the doomsday cult is drugging his fixed effective; and Elizabeth with her Staff come up with an unusual method to resolving black rhino poaching in Namibia.”
Episode 17 spoilers and trailer
The trailer published online explains President Dalton (K. Carradine), Elizabeth and other administrators speaking about the missiles that went lost. The Americans must get the missiles rear as soon as probable and it looks like Elizabeth has a project. This involves avoiding the CIA, though. The trailer also shows an irate Ellerman breaking inside Elizabeth's department and calling that she has no power to mess with things she may not be ready to manage. Another scene follows armed officers coming in the US Department's base.
Elizabeth looks very much scared when the chief of defense tells her they have a situation. The spy must be in the office. The agents are shown holding out every cranny and nook, attending the mole. One of Elizabeth's aides lastly says her over the phone that the
Another scene follows armed officers coming in the US Department's base.
Elizabeth looks very much scared when the chief of defense tells her they have a situation. The spy must be in the office. The agents are shown holding out every cranny and nook, attending the mole. One of Elizabeth's aides lastly says her over the phone that the criminal has been caught.
'Madam Secretary': there will be the fourth season?
There is also one principal issue that you should consider beyond of course what is occurring in the story: either or not "Madam Secretary" will be renewed for a fourth season. In the other hand, there is no ensure that it will be back to show more stories in the fall. This is not a series that makes a ton of publicity, so it is more subject on true viewership than any.
Episode 17 of "Madam Secretary" Season 3 will air on CBS on Sunday, March 26 at 9.00 pm EST.