When “Wreck-it Ralph” was first released by Disney it received a lot of hype and attention by fans of pop-culture because the animated film found a novel way of tying together some of the most popular tropes related video games and gaming culture in general. Based on a recent announcement by Disney, it is clear that the sequel will focus on delivering on a similar direction, except this time Ralph has his sights set on the Internet.
Ralph breaks the Internet
During the recently concluded CinemaCon 2017, Disney made a few important announcements regarding the follow up to “Wreck-it Ralph”.
The sequel has been named “Ralph breaks the internet: Wreck It Ralph 2”, and is all set to release in theatres on March 9, 2018. Disney even took to Twitter to launch the logo for the new film.
We already know that “Ralph Breaks The Internet” will be directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnston. Both personalities have already contributed in the first “Wreck-it Ralph” movie where Moore co- directed the film and Johnston co-wrote the screenplay. The duo have also worked on other Disney projects like “Zootopia” in the recent past.
What to expect
Veteran comedians John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman will reprise their original roles for the sequel. Riley will play the lovable titular character Ralph, and he will be once again joined by Silverman’s Vanellope, except this time their destination will be a lot bigger and better.
The film will look to take on the fascinating world of the World Wide Web, probably by making Ralph and Vanellope star in games that can be played online. The director of the film, Moore, had this to say regarding the upcoming film: “The relationship between Vanellope and Ralph, we’re going to see that again, and the comedy that comes with the two of them.
We’re going to see their friendship tested by getting to the Internet. So everything you loved about the first one and a whole lot more.”
We also know that Jane Lynch’s popular character Sergeant Calhoun is also set to return for this film, but not much else has been revealed regarding other supporting characters. By the look of the poster, it is clear that Disney is going to take on the over-populated world of the internet, and that should be a lot of fun. Stay tuned for more news regarding “Ralph Breaks The Internet”.