Bent” is an upcoming revenge-thriller film that will be directed by Bobby Moresco. Moresco has produced solid films like “Crash” and “Million Dollar Baby” so far, but will be step behind a camera for the first time. The film just released its first casting details and the news is pretty exciting.

Driven by revenge

Bent” is set to be an explosive action film with elements of suspense-thrillers delivered in classical noir tradition.

The story is centered around a discredited narcotics detective named Danny Gallagher played by Karl Urban. Gallagher has been shamefully discharged from the police force after being framed by unknown forces. Upon his release from prison, Gallagher attempts to unravel a vast conspiracy that also led to the murder of his partner.

A car bomb that causes the murder of a local bookie’s sister tips Gallagher off in the right direction, leading him to come face-to-face with a maniacal plan involving government agencies and high-stakes treason. Sofia Vergara plays a ruthless government agent whom Gallagher is extremely distrustful of, while Andy Garcia plays Gallagher’s mentor Murtha, a man fully aware of the pitfalls of fighting corruption.

What to expect

The lead actors responsible for driving the film are extremely talented individuals with exciting work in film and television to their name. Andy Garcia is best known for his work in “Oceans Eleven” and “The Godfather: Part III." Sofia Vergara recently appeared in the drama-comedy “Chef” and continues to deliver a solid performance in the award-winning television show “Modern Family." The lead of the firm, Karl Urban, has played vital roles in films like “RED," “Star Trek," and “Riddick." Most importantly, however, the bulk of the responsibility will have to be shouldered by Bobby Moresco. Judging the first time director based on his involvement in previous films, it is easy to tell that the man has good taste in stories.

The premise of “Bent” is full of promise as well, therefore it will come down to the director to make the most of a solid cast and a sturdy script in his directorial debut.

Bent” will be produced by Andrea Iervolino, Monika Bacardi, and Joseph O'Donnell. One of the producers, Iervolino had this to say regarding the upcoming project: “Bent delivers on the best of film noirs – a main character driven by revenge, who is forced to choose between the truth he knows, the evidence against that truth, and the woman he loves most in the world. Karl, Sofia and Andy are a powerful onscreen trio who have a rich story to work with, thanks to the brilliant story and characters created by Bobby and Joseph.” (ComingSoon).

Bent” has not yet been given a release date, but stay tuned for more updates regarding the movie.