Viewers of “Arrow” Season 5 have finally met the man behind the big bad Prometheus on Wednesday’s episode. A lot were surprised to see that at the back of the villain’s mask was actually the Star City District Attorney Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra).

It was a shocking revelation knowing that the DA was one of Oliver Queen’s (Stephen Amell), close collaborator. It looked like the character of Josh Segarra was taking his sweet revenge after his loss at The Hood from the show’s first season.

Executive producer talks about Josh Segarra’s role as Prometheus

The show’s EP Wendy Mericle revealed in a press conference that they intentionally wanted to create a villain that would make the dark mirror for Oliver Queen. This was in intent to honor the traditional way its comic book version has.

“Really honoring that and also honoring Oliver’s path on the show, and specifically, the first season,” Mericle said via Entertainment Tonight. She went on to explain that Green Arrow and Adrian Chase both experienced defeat and they have surpasses these failures in most distinct ways.

Who Prometheus really is?

Team Arrow strongly believed that Prometheus happened to be the illegitimate son of Justin Claybourne (Garwin Sanford). He was the former pharmaceutical CEO and included on The Hood’s target in the first season.

However, Mericle added that there’s more to Prometheus than everyone knew. She teased that fans were about to know the real story behind the evil mask as “Arrow” Season 5 continues. In fact, there would be another surprise awaiting its viewers when they learn that his story was quite close to Oliver Queen’s.

"I think one of the fun parts about what we’ve done is to really allow us to live with that reveal for a while and seeing the characters not knowing what their lives are like,” Mericle continued.

Evidently, Oliver Queen didn’t know the real identity of his enemy and the fact that he is just near him. She admitted that they loved the idea of adding that mystery on the show and confessed that it would stay that way for a little while before Oliver and the Team Arrow find out about him.