"This Is Us" will not air on NBC on Tuesday night as usual. All the major networks are foregoing their regular scheduled programs from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. That's because President Donald Trump's address to a Joint Session of Congress will be aired in a nationally televised speech during prime time. Therefore, this week's episode that was originally scheduled for Tuesday, February 28 at 9 p.m.
will air on Tuesday, March 7. The finale for this season will air on Tuesday, March 14 at 9 p.m.
Two more episodes left
Fans are disappointed that they will have to wait another week before they can see what happened after last week's tearjerker when William died after battling stage 4 cancer. There are only two more episodes left. William will return in a flashback during one of the episodes. One episode is said to be more intense than when Randall's father died.
Justin Hartley, who plays Kevin, was interviewed last week. He indicated that his father's death is much sadder than William's death was.
Viewers know that Rebecca's first husband, Jack, has died and she married his best friend, Miguel. However, circumstances surrounding Jack's death were never revealed on the show. Before the finale, fans will get to know what happened to Jack. Justin says viewers will need tissues again except in this case, they will need more tissues because the episode will be very painful and will stay with viewers long after the season is over.
President Trump's speech
President Trump's speech will start at 9 p.m. and will be broadcast on all major networks. Therefore, all regular prime time shows will not be shown until next week. President Trump will make his first speech to a joint session of Congress.
White House officials say the president's theme will be the renewal of the American spirit. He is expected to lay out his plan for some specifics such as health care, immigration, taxes and the military. Trump, who has a 48 percent approval rating, says he inherited a mess that only he can straighten out.