The third episode of 'The 100', TV series broadcast on CW, was very important to the overall plot with a lot of interesting information. At the end of the episode, however, we stayed with many question marks. Now, let's step back to summarize what happened in the last episode before examining the fourth episode.

'The 100': what we discovered in the third episode

In the third episode of the TV series broadcast on CW, we have seen the new flamekeeper, Indra’s daughter with Octavia who tries to assassinate her. Raven and Abby quarreled over the dissipation of medicine to a child.

The importance of Raven in assisting the group increased. Luna returned to Arkadia with some sick people after a radiation poisoning.

Clarke wrote the list of the 100 who will survive, and there is Murphy's transformation in a heroic character. At the end the twist: we can realize night blood could hold the antidote for radiation poisoning. It now remains to see a preview of the fourth episode.

Episode 4 is named 'A Lie Guarded': latest information and preview

As confirmed by promo video and by details disclosed by CW of the fourth episode, list of the 100 made by Clarke will be presented without secrets and we will know then who will survive.

Constant fights with the trust and the leadership in Polis and Arkadia take violent turns while Abby conducts some people in a place far away and, at the time, unknown.

From the preview we can guess that “Black Rain” (unknown to all) is coming and as revealed in a promotional shot, Abby’s team includes Raven, Murphy (R. Harmon), Emori (L. D'Oliveira), Nyko (T. Olsson), Jackson (S. Sahel), Miller (J. Joseph) and Luna (N. Hilker).

The fourth episode of the fourth season of 'The 100', written by Kim Shumway and directed by Ian Samoil, is named 'A Lie Guarded.' This episode will air on CW tonight Feb. 22 at 9.00 pm. The following episode, the fifth, will air on March 1 always on CW and is titled 'The Tinder Box.' Stay tuned for the next spoilers and previews of upcoming episodes.