“Supergirl” fans can rejoice, as it seems that Kara Zor-El will finally receive a crossover with “Legends of tomorrow,” “Arrow,” and “The Flash.” Fans of the show might remember that a crossover was teased for this season of “Supergirl” that would finally help bring Kara into the fold like other characters such as Flash and Arrow. However, Kara was surprisingly absent from the big crossover event that was performed this year.
Kara finally gets some respect
Fear not, “Supergirl” fans, because it seems that Kara will finally receive a significant part in the crossover event being planned for the next season of all four shows. “Supergirl” might even have a whole episode dedicated to the crossover event, in the same fashion that has already been done on “Arrow,” “The Flash,” and “Legends of Tomorrow.”
Invasion crossover!
Kara appeared in the invasion crossover story-line last year with “Arrow,” “The Flash,” and “Legends of Tomorrow.” Yet, “Supergirl” itself never dedicated any episodes to the crossover, which left a lot of fans disappointed by the lack of attention to her in the big event.
Kreisberg does it again
Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg discussed the issue during a recent screening of the newest episodes of “Supergirl.” He explained that the creative team behind all four shows were hoping to do a true crossover event in the coming seasons. "The single hardest factor in doing the crossovers is actors' availability. We weren't aware that we were going to switch Supergirl from CBS to CW, and it was really going to be part of the crossover," Kreisberg mentioned briefly, "because the [crossover] starts on Supergirl, Melissa [Benoist] ended up being heavily in Flash and then in Arrow. Supergirl was the show we needed to shut down the most, and it was the one we didn’t have any opportunity to.
So now that we've gotten the early pick up and we've started designing the seasons, we're building in those dark days – and actually more dark days on Supergirl than the other shows – to make it a little easier.”
Something special
“Supergirl” looks to be setting up something truly special for the coming season, as the creative team plans a massive crossover event with “Arrow,” “The Flash,” and “Legends of Tomorrow.” The invasion crossover was interesting, but there are literally tons of stories from the comics that the creative team could draw on.
Support characters
Moreover, it will also be interesting to see how the supporting characters in “Supergirl” will play into the crossover. The supporting characters from “Supergirl” had been left out entirely in the invasion crossover, so it will be curious to see how people like Jimmy Olsen will factor into the big crossover event.
Flashpoint fallout!
Furthermore, it will be interesting to see how the effects of the flashpoint story-line from “The Flash” play into “Supergirl.” Flashpoint was the story arc of how Barry Allen ran back in time to finally save his mother. However, things go horribly wrong as a result of him meddling with the time-line. Major consequences have already happened for the supporting characters on “Arrow,” but little has been shown as to how the flashpoint changes will modify the "Supergirl" universe.