Nick Viall visited each of the final four hometowns last night and met the parents. Each of the final four contestants are super different and so were their parents! The final four contestants consist of Vanessa Grimaldi (from Montreal), Raven Gates (from Arkansas), Corinne Olympios (from Miami, Florida) and lastly, Rachel Lindsay (from Dallas, Texas).

Details on the hometown visits with Nick

Interestingly, we already know Rachel Lindsay doesn't get picked because sources have revealed that she will be the next Bachelorette next season. This is a huge deal considering Rachel will be the first black woman to be a Bachelorette in all of the Bachelor history.

Go Rachel!

Now lets get down to the nitty gritty. The details of the Hometown visits. First, lets start off with Corinne because to be honest she is the only reason why I watch this show. She hysterical, pretty and keeps the show alive. Unfortunately, I do not think she is going to make it to the final rose but she definitely fought hard to make it this far. So, lets first discuss that we finally met Corinne's nanny, Raquel.

We finally meet Raquel...

Raquel truly loves Corinne which was nice to see from this episode. I couldn't stop laughing when Nick was having a heart-to-heart with Raquel over her own mother. Let's also discuss how I think Corinne's dad could have possibly ruined her chances for the rose because he told Nick that Corinne would be ok with being the bread winner.

Talk about emasculating for Nick. You could even tell he felt super uncomfortable when her dad mentioned how he was planning on making a living.

Now for Vanessa...

Now lets get to Vanessa. I think its clear she's getting the final rose. This was pretty known since the beginning of the season though. First off, she is pretty much the perfect girl.

She took him to her school where she is a teacher for special needs students. She is gorgeous and cares so much about her family. It was nice to see the juxtaposition between her two divorced parents when she went from one house to the other parents house. Her mothers house was super Italian and everyone was super nice but still cautious Nick wouldn't break her heart.

Her dad was even more concerned about Nick breaking Vanessa's heart. He kept questioning why he was asking for his approval to marry Vanessa when he asked the three other girls parents as well.

Now the summary of Rachel and Raven, both meet ups went super well. Rachel's family rocks and it is going to be super exciting to see her on the next season of the Bachelorette. Raven did had a steamy and dirty make out session with Nick but I think its safe to say she will be the next girl kicked off. What do you think?