"The New Celebrity Apprentice" premiered on Monday, January 2, 2017. First of all, know that the popular NBC reality show not only has a new host and a diversified cast, but it also has a new name. Out of habit, people will probably still call the reality show, "The Celebrity Apprentice," but the name has been changed to "The New Celebrity Apprentice." The word "new" is in the title and not just a description of the show.

Changes to the reality show

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the new host. The first episode is titled: "In Here You Call Me Governor." That's what the new boss told his friend, Jon Lovitz. NBC stated that the network has severed all ties with the former host even though President-elect Donald Trump remains the executive producer through the show's production company, MGM. Mark Burnett is still the executive producer. The theme song is the same, but there are some noticeably changes.

"The New Celebrity Apprentice" is filmed in Los Angeles instead of New York, and it has 16 contestants, and almost as many advisers to the show.

There are 11 advisers, including Leeza Gibbons who was the last "The Celebrity Apprentice" winner for Season 14 that ended on February 16, 2015.

Results of first episode

Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced himself by telling the contestants that he is tough but fair. Then he divided the groups into two teams, the males against the females. The first order of business was to come up with a name for their teams. The women selected "Prima" for their team name. The men chose "Arete" for their name.

Tyra Banks was introduced as one of the advisers. Since she has just launched a beauty product line, she gave the two teams their first assignment. It was to do a 10-minute presentation about her beauty products.

For the women, Porsha Williams was selected as the project manager. The men selected Boy George as their project manager because he understands the power of makeup. The men won the beauty challenge. Project manager Boy George, received $50,000 for his charity, Safe Kids Nationwide.

Porsha, as the project manager, suggested that Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi should be the one eliminated. However, the Governor told Carrie Keagan, "You're terminated!" As she made her way to the helicopter, she said she was sorry that she did not make a penny for her charity, The Humane Society.

The next project was to create a Trident chewing gum commercial. The men also won that challenge. Project manager Jon Lovitz received $50,000 for his charity, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Project manager Carrie Wilson was terminated because her team did not demonstrate what was expected.