Hey, "This Is Us" fans. So as you all know, the new episode 12 of the current season 1 is coming up this Tuesday night, January 17th. I light of this, we tracked down the promo/spoiler clip that NBC served up for it a couple of days ago. I've posted it (below) for those of you who haven't gotten a chance to see it yet. It looks pretty damn emotional as it's revealed that Rebecca lost her 3rd triplet baby, so that's very sad. There's a baby that gets left at a doorstep, and more! It's just madness I tell you. Pure madness.
Possible different take?
The episode is labeled: "The Big Day," and judging from the narration of the video, it sounds like they're taking you back through previous scenarios, but will present them in a different way.
A beautiful moment
In the clip, we see the first scene, giving us a new look at Jack in action as he films a moment with pregnant Rebecca. She tells her new, unborn child that she loves it so much even if she hasn't even met it yet. She's definitely sporting big smiles for this scene, and everything seems quite blissful with this family at the moment. However, according to the official synopsis, I don't think things are going to quite stay that way as Rebecca is going to get majorly stressed out before it's all said and done.
He just left it there
Next, we see a guy,tending to a little baby that was left at his door step. He's also seen, of course, asking the question: where did you come from? Meanwhile, the guy that left it there, is seen hiding around the corner. Shame! After that pretty wild stuff, we see a guy that's still very remorseful over the loss of his wife over a year after her passing, and he makes sure to state that it's been exactly 14 months, so you better get it right.
There's also a sad grave scene thrown in there.
She lost one
From there, we see a scene where Rebecca and her triplets are mentioned, along with the tragic news that the 3rd baby didn't make it. Awww. Then the clip caps off with Rebecca, telling Jack she feels like they were meant to have three kids, and Jack replies with: "What if we still are?" So, that sounded pretty interesting. We'll see how that all plays out. Check it out below, and stay tuned.