Hey, "Bold And The Beautiful" fans. It's Friday guys. So, that means it's time to get hit with the upcoming Monday January 16th, 2017 spoiler dish. We were only able to dig up one storyline teaser for Monday at the moment, but we won't leave you feeling empty-handed, because we did find some other intel that will be taking place during this week. We just don't know what day it'll happen on.
They sound very interesting too. For Monday, the big confrontation is going to finally go down between Quinn and Ridge!
Heavy questioning begins
Ok, so to further elaborate on this big January 16th, 2017 teaser, it turns out that Quinn will finally be privy to the wicked and vicious scheme that Ridge had plotted against her in an effort to give her less credibility with Eric and get her out of their lives for good. After finding all this out, Quinn is going to finally get all up in Ridge's face with a barrage of questions, basically asking him why he would do such a thing.
The big questions, here, are: will Ridge go ahead and tell her that he utterly hates her guts?
Or will he find some other reason to give her? Heck, will he even give her an answer at all, or just call for security? These are definitely some questions that I have. Hopefully we'll see them get answered in this installment.
The end of a marriage
Alright, so as I mentioned before, that's all we have to give you for the Monday stuff. We're sure, at least, three more other heavy storylines will get featured. We do have two other scoops that will happen in various episodes this week. The first one we got, sounds very serious as they tell us that someone's marriage is going to end! Unfortunately, they didn't tell us who's marriage this is, but that's obviously the big question for this situation.
The big enemy pact
Then this last one, lets us know that a very significant pact is going to get formed at some point and it's going to happen with the most unlikely people as it's described that the pact will be formed between former enemies. Ooh, who could they be? And how long with this new agreement last? It's definitely going to raise the level on intrigue. Stay tuned.