Just one day after Donald Trump signed his controversial executive order banning refugees from Muslim countries into United States, backlash followed almost instantly. After multiple refugees were detained at Kennedy International Airport in New York on Saturday, filmmaker Michael Moore took action.
Moore on Trump ban
Nearly a dozen refugees were detained at the Kennedy International Airport in New York on Saturday afternoon, and as expected, critics of Donald Trump were quick to speak out.
The protests started small, but once word got out on social media, the crowd started to multiply. The executive order suspends immigration from seven countries in the Middle East for the next 120 days, while banning Syrian refugees indefinitely. When Michael Moore got word of the protest, he quickly took to his Facebook and Twitter accounts on January 28 to spread the news, while also calling to shut down airports throughout the United States.
"Everybody in NYC area-- head to JFK Terminal 4 NOW! Big anti-Trump protest forming out of nowhere! Ppl mobilizing against Trump's Muslim ban," Michael Moore wrote on Twitter Saturday night.
In his next tweet, Moore took a shot at the billionaire real estate mogul, and those who helped vote him into office. "Trump wants us at war w/ the entire Muslim world. Who wants to die for Donald J. Trump? Do YOU want 2 die 4 Trump?," Moore tweeted, while adding, "Everyone to JFK demo now!"
Call to action
"If you're not in NYC, head out to the International arrivals at the nearest airport," Michael Moore noted on Twitter, before writing, "If u live in a small town, go to where u protest." Moore then started to live stream the protest on his Facebook page, sending across social media, "Facebook Live: My Facebook site - http://facebook.com/MMFlint - is now LIVE from JFK Trump protest..."
"Holy crap!
Protest growing! Are they going to have to shut down JFK until they release the Muslims they are detaining inside???!!!" he continued. In yet another Twitter post, Michael Moore wrote, "Homeland Security now detaining 11 innocent Muslims inside JFK Terminal 4. Everybody peacefully to JFK! Term 4!! Shut this place down!" As of press time, the protests at JFK airport have increased, with Moore leading the charge in gathering demonstrators to attend the event.