Kim Kardashian Paris robbery suspects have been arrested according to a French TV station. Bfmtv reported that police carried out raids in several cities and rounded up people believed to have been involved, early Monday morning 9th January 2017.

According to the Guardian, one of the suspects is 60 years old. It turns out that some of the suspects were well known to the French police who have had them under surveillance for months.

The Police, in terms of French law can hold these suspects for up to 96 hours. The Daily mail mentioned that a gemstone which was found near the apartment of Kim following the October armed robbery enabled them to find some evidence to link some of the suspects to the case.

Kardashian robbery suspects left DNA and fingerprints

Europe 1 and RTL Radio also covered the story and they reported that DNA traces had played a part in the evidence leading to the arrests. Apparently, fingerprints of at least two of them were found in the apartment after Kim Kardashian was forced at gun point to hand over jewelry.

The traumatic experience happened in October when Kardashian was alone in her apartment. He sister and bodyguard were out at the time. The initial story that surfaced was that masked men wearing Police clothing forced the night porter to let them into the apartment at 2,30am. After the robbery that lasted about thirty minutes two of the men just walked away and others fled on bicycles. At the time there was speculation that it may have been an inside job.

The Police said that the men were seasoned criminals and were picked up in different towns and cities.

Kim relived the nightmare Paris attack on Video

A few weeks ago Kim spoke about the nightmare that the incident in Paris was for her. E!Entertainment posted up the video on Youtube that showed Kim break into tears as she said, "....They were going to shoot me in the back.

There's no way out!" This was part of the "Keeping up with the Kardashians" new trailer, that will run in March.

This nightmare was followed by her husband Kanye West having some kind of breakdown, and he ended up being hospitalized. This has been a tough time for Kim. However, this batch of arrests may lead to some closure for Kim. The Guardian said that one of the investigators may need to reinterview Kim now that they have some suspects in custody.

Watch Kim trying to deal with the bad things that have gone on for her in 2016. Hopefully, 2017 will be a better year for the beloved star.