Keshia Knight Pulliam gave birth to her first child on Monday, January 23. Her rep confirmed that the 37-year-old actress is now a mother of a baby girl named Ella Grace. She gave her baby the middle name "Grace" because she says she was kept by God's grace during her pregnancy, following the divorce from her ex-husband, Ed Hartwell. Keshia posted a photo on Instagram of her holding a pair of tiny feet in her hand.
The inscription read, "Ella Grace has arrived."
Keisha's pregnancy
Pulliam and Hartwell dated only four months before they married on New Year's Day in 2016. Keisha announced her pregnancy on July 17, 2016, and just eight days later on July 25, her husband of only seven months filed for a divorce. Aside from that, the former NFL player Ed Hartwell claimed the baby wasn't his. The 38-year-old former football linebacker insisted on a paternity test. Pulliam alleged that Hartwell had been unfaithful to her during their short marriage. The former athlete explained that his wife wanted a baby right away and he didn't.
He said they had just gotten married, and they needed time to focus on each other before having a baby.
Keisha said that it was a challenging year going through her pregnancy and a divorce at the same time, but she was thankful for her little girl. She described giving birth to Ella Grace as her greatest accomplishment and joy. It is unclear at the time what Hartwell is saying or doing in reference to baby Ella Grace.
Keshia's career
Keshia is best known for playing Rudy on "The Cosby Show" from 1984 to 1992 when she was only five years old. She appeared in 179 episodes and received many awards and recognition for being a child actress. She later became a contestant on "The Celebrity Apprentice" during Season 7 in 2013.
At the time, the series was hosted by Donald Trump. She was the first to be eliminated because her team lost while she was the project leader. The host of the show said Keisha didn't step up to the plate and get donations from her friends and from those she had worked with in the past -- especially from Bill Cosby -- who could have helped with her team's project.
Now Keshia Knight Pulliam has baby Ella Grace to take care of. Keisha thanked the baby for choosing her as her mommy.