Hey, "The Middle" fans. Yep, it's true guys. Unfortunately, I'm having to jump on here to let you guys know that your favorite show is going to be halfway out of commission, tonight, meaning that it's still coming on, but that it'll just be a dreaded rerun. The reason for this, cannot be explained be me. There could be a myriad of reasons for this, like scheduling. Maybe the final cut isn't ready to air yet. Who the hell knows? All we can tell you is that you're going to have to wait until Tuesday night, February 7th, 2017 at 7pm central time to see the new episode 13 of the current season 8, so be sure to mark that date down on your TV schedules or whatever.
Episode 2 all over again
As for tonight, it turns out that ABC has prepared to re-air the 2nd episode of this season, which is titled: " A Tough Pill to Swallow." It's the one where Sue got kicked out of college for not remembering to get her financial aid renewed. And where Hutch got really pissed off at Axl for running off with the Winnebago ride without asking for permission to do so. Shame! Anyways, if you guys don't want to see that one, again, I would suggest that you get some other plans together, not just for tonight, but for next week too, because this is a two week layoff. However, if you have no problems watching repeats, carry on ,carry on.
Frankie is sad
Ok, so since we're not totally devoid of good news, we do have some for you.
ABC did just reveal the official press release for the new episode 13, which means we've got a synopsis and title for it. They're labeling it: "Ovary and Out." According to the official description, we're going to see Frankie, feeling quite down and out after learning from her doctor that her ovaries are literally shriveled up, ugh.
That, of course, means that she can't have anymore kids.
Next, we learn that an attempt will be made by Mike to cheer her up. His idea will be to take her to babysit the neighbor's baby, overnight, thinking that it will give her some perspective on what's it's like to be an older parent. So, we'll see if that works out or not.
Romantic shocker
For this segment, we've got some Sue and Axl stuff to go over. It turns out that they're just going to be absolutely dumbfounded when they see Sean Donahue and Sue's roommate, Lexie, start to hit it off, romantically. They tell us that they're not just going to hit it off, but that sparks are going to fly!
Brick has to step it up
Lastly, we learn that Gibson is going to turn out to be quite a formidable opponent for Brick in the font knowledge department, which will in turn, cause Brick to do his best to work extra hard to rise to the challenge, so to speak. Will he be able to get the job done? Or will he succumb to the pressure? We'll just have to wait and see. Stay tuned.