"Days Of Our Lives" fans are becoming increasingly worried that their favorite long-running daytime drama may come to an end in 2018 according to a recent report from People Magazine.

Will 'Days of Our Lives' get axed?

Reports reveal that "Days of Our Lives," which has been on the air for 51-years has experienced a major ratings drop, and that the network may be getting ready to bring the show to an end.

People state that according to their inside source, some cast members have been forewarned that this year could very well be the last year "DOOL" will remain on the air. At this point, it is important to state that nothing has been 100 percent confirmed, but hushed whispers between "Days" executives and some of the show's most respected and important staff are rumored to be mounting.

"Basically, we've heard that there won't be a Days in 2018," a source told People.

The soap has a standing contract with Sony Pictures Television through spring of this year but, come time for contract renewal talks, things may have a very different feel for all involved.

"DOOL" tapes ahead daily episodes six months in advance, which means the cast are now shooting summer storylines as we speak.

The decline in 'Days of Our Lives' ratings

At one time, television networks were loaded down with a number of daytime soaps to choose from. The soaps were often joked about being a part of the stay-at-home-mom/housewives daily routine. Not so much these days, as busy work and family schedules take over, putting a damper on excessive daily TV viewing.

Another ratings decline could come from soaps such as "Days" being on the air for so many decades, with dedicated fans viewing pretty much every story line possible several times over -- often growing stale for seasoned soap fans.

Still, if "Days of Our Lives" does come to an end, it will be a sad moment in television history for soap lovers who grew up with grandmothers and mothers tuning in daily to keep up with all the latest happenings in Salem with the Horton and Brady families.

Soap fans will have to tune in to shows such a "Maury" for their who's the baby daddy stories, and the Kardashians for their drama fixes. "Days" fans, what are your thoughts on the possible cancellation of "DOOL"?