The cooking reality show "MasterChef India" aired in India on Star Plus twice a week on Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 PM has only 15 contestants left as the first elimination was telecasted on Sunday, October 9, 2016.
Saturdays episode rewind:
14 competitors faced the challenge on Saturday’s episode as Alenga was safe as she won the last round while Ashwin is already in the elimination round. The contestants were paired to make teams of two members each and were given a task to reinvent a dish form the particular region.
The teams were paired and given challenge as below:
Pradip and Dinesh- “Southern Comfort”
2. Siddhartha and Ashima- “Chicken Taco and Bruschetta with Avacado and Sour Cream”
3. Sadaf and Jatin- “Dil se Burmese”
4. Samantha and Rohini-“ Deconstructed Undhiyu”
5. Kirti and Shipra- “Lasagne Kyur”
6. Sree Laxmi and Mirvan- “Lucknowi Dum Biryaani.”
7. Abhilasha and Ajay- “Green Paella Rice and Saffron Fused Clamps.”
This so called perfection @work . Hats off @ChefKunalKapur for your signature dish "phool surprise" so amazing #MasterChefIndia @StarPlus
— Samirul Mallick (@sourcingpower) October 9, 2016
The contestants were challenged to reinvent the dishes but keeping the flavors consistent. While Ajay and Jatin were praised for their effort, Shipra and Kirti moved to elimination round along with Ashwin and Sreelaxmi.
First elimination took place on Sunday
This was fourth episode of the new season of the show and the first elimination round was conducted. The challenge was faced by four home cooks Sreelaxmi, Shipra, Ashwin and Kirti and the four contestants were given a tough task of replicating a sweet dish by Chef Kunal Kapoor.
Elimination Zone! MasterChef India Season 5 Episode 9th October 2016 YouTube Highlights via @sharethis
— Trendy_South ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (@me_nostalgic) October 10, 2016
The dish named ‘Kunal’s Phool Surprise’ was a delicacy from Rajasthan called ‘Ghevar.' It is a signature dish by Kunal Kapoor and contestants had to replicate the recipe including its complicated presentation that included a clean opening of white chocolate flower that had Ghevar inside it.
The cooks were given two hours time to make the dessert, but only Kirti and Shipra could successfully do that. Sreelaxmi and Ashwin failed in completing the dish in given time, so their dishes were judged on the basis of flavors and taste.
Super stoked. #MasterChefIndia Season 5 is making waves with international viewership
— Zorawar Kalra (@ZorawarKalra) October 10, 2016
The three found that dish by Sreelakshmi had better flavors then Ashwin’s and thus Ashwin became the first contestant to go back.