“Big Brother 18” managed to generate several showmances that have seemingly turned into post-finale romances and fans are definitely buzzing about these. James Huling and Natalie Negrotti have just taken to social media to confirm that they are currently dating and they are already making a big move – meeting one another's families! What's the scoop on James and Natalie?
Negrotti and Huling say they're the real deal
As “Big Brother 18” fans saw, heading into the finale things were a bit complicated between James Huling and Natalie Negrotti. They had grown quite close during filming, but as “BB18” ended nobody knew quite what to expect from them next. However, James and Natalie are together and it sounds as if they are doing quite well.
As Big Brother Network details, Negrotti shared some updates via Periscope and she confirmed that she and Huling are officially a couple. She did mention wondering why “BB18” fans seem to doubt that, thinking that it's been obvious.
She has posted things on Twitter about them as a couple as well, but some have been skeptical that the two have embarked upon a real relationship at this point. Natalie added that they were in the midst of a road trip to go see some of her family members, and then they will head to Pennsylvania to see his.
Are things serious for 'BB18' stars James and Natalie?
Natalie added that while she did say some things about James toward the end of “Big Brother 18” that caused some friction, she notes that now everything has been smoothed over and they are in a good place. She wouldn't say too much about how affectionate things have gotten with James, noting that she is a private person and likes to keep things classy.
When asked if they may head toward marriage, Negrotti smiled and said they would have to see. Of course, for now, this is a long-distance relationship and James and Natalie certainly face some challenges in making this work for long.
“Big Brother 18” fans have some strong opinions about this romance, with some excited for Huling and Negrotti and others doubtful that it's all that real. Will this showmance transition into a lasting romance a la Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd, or will it soon fizzle out like most of the "Big Brother" relationships do once everybody returns to real life? Do you think that James and Natalie are the real deal?