They say women gain weight when they are in a happy relationship. The same may be true for "The Voice" coach Blake Shelton. Shelton lost weight when he lost love with Miranda Lambert. But now that he's found love with fellow "Voice" coach Gwen Stefani did he also find those lost pounds? Shelton trimmed big weight on what he called the "divorce diet" after split with wife Lambert. In his approaching nuptials with Stefani, Shelton appears somewhat heavier than he did in those lean months following his marriage breakup.
Lucky in love, jinxed on the scale?
It was thought that the old formula of "find love, find weight" applied to women, while men stayed slender or lost weight in a happy relationship. Alec Baldwinfound the strength to outrun his obesity when he met wife Hilaria Baldwin. Granted she was younger and in great shape. The couple also has three very young children together so he probably had to get healthy to keep up.Other Celebrities likeMariah Careybreak the rule. Carey lost weight in her new relationship with James Packer. The reverse seems to be true in Shelton's case too. When he was unhappy in his relationship with Miranda Lambert, he trimmed down. So did she, as it turns out. Were they grooming for a second chance at love or just stressed and not eating?
Shelton says the latter and that their "divorce diet" weight loss was nothing to envy.
Find love, find peace and confidence
Its been hinted that women get fat after they fall in love because they get lazy. Having snared their men, they no longer need to be hunt-ready. They can let go and enjoy eating without worrying about losing affection.
But that's a rather short-sighted, misogynistic view. What is more likely is that being in a relationship where one is accepted gives one the freedom to embrace who they are without feeling the need to wear a mask. Shelton and Lambert were unhappy together. Without realizing it, each may have begun to lose weight in an effort to get the other back.
Stress can cause obesity or weight loss. Where some comfort eat when they are depressed, anxious or distressed, others can't eat. But either way is unhealthy and treating the weight problems means treating the underlying emotional issues.